
Thursday, December 31, 2009


The Guardian was considered the paper to read if you thought and/or knew that you were intelligent and knew it all. It was considered respectable. It was considered truthful.

You could trust The Guardian. After all, it was originally from Manchester...

But barely two weeks ago The Guardian was proud to demand that leaders meeting at Copenhagen should reach some sort of binding deal to create world government and kill billions of people, even after scientists had been caught sexing up data 'proving' AGW.

They hardly covered the Climategate scandal, and allowed George Robot to demand the extermination of billions and the slashing of growth in national economies across the world even after Robot himself had recognised the significance of Climategate!

But now The Guardian has joined in the propaganda attack on Iran.

Perhaps they are victims of MI5 and MI6 black propaganda machines, just like Piers Morgan who had called the invasion of Iraq correctly and was ousted from The Daily Mirror after he was fitted up with the publication of false photos implying British Army brutality in Iraq (even though that has now been proven). Perhaps they have been taken in by an alleged former member of the IRG who is on the payroll of a certain intelligence agency...

But I doubt it now.

After Climategate and Copenhagen The Guardian is an ex-newspaper.

This Iran allegation has revealed its true bona fide Mockingbird credentials.

Perhaps 'they' are now that desperate to foment war on Iran and to instigate green genocide that they have now shown us too much, way too much and are now beyond redemption.

The Guardian has now joined the ranks of The Sun, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The BBC... In fact the whole of the British media is Mockingbird. A story here. A story there. This angle covered. That angle covered. Each newspaper has its own 'identity', but still serves the agenda in one way or another.

It's all the same load of propaganda...

Here lies The Guardian RIP

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