
Thursday, December 31, 2009


Iran is under attack. Not explicit military attack (not yet), but under attack via propaganda and international intrigue.

Take the recent allegation published in The Times that Iran was designing and testing a trigger for a nuclear device. Sources within US intelligence then reported that they thought the British and Israel were upto their old uranium yellowcake tricks.

A day or so later the media was full of reports that US intelligence was well aware of an imminent attack by a Nigerian from Yemen, the implication being that US intelligence are a bunch of pathetic incompetent potentially corrupt losers so what do they know about Iranian nuclear triggers?

Iran was named in A Clean Break as a target for Israel aggression, was named as a member of the Axis-of-Eeevil by the USA and is the only country in the Middle East/Caspian region without a US military base somewhere. Iran is virtually surrounded by the US military.

One of the main goals of 9/11 was to grab all that luverly fossil fuel just in time for the new ice age that some people know is coming but tried to con the world with global warming bullshit. So far 9/11 has been successful.
1. they appear to have gotten away with it so far but there's a lot of people now questioning 9/11, particularly after the aforementioned media blitz attacking US intelligence (so a big thankyou to whoever thought that was a good idea)
2. a lot of fossil fuel has been grabbed and poor nations invaded

But Iran was always one of the main targets, but it is still standing, still accusing foreign nations of meddling in its internal affairs. And Iran is right. We overthrew at least three of their leaders last century, all in the name of freedom oil. BP was initially Anglo-Persian Oil Company and became BP shortly after Operation Ajax ousted Mossadegh (who Iranians voted Iranian of the 20th Century).

Now there are more riots in Iran, after the failed coup after the elections.

And now after the nuclear trigger allegation has been shown to be false there are now allegations that Iran was behind the kidnapping of Peter Moore.

I do not recall hearing these allegations before today, and it is curious that the source of the allegation is an unnamed alleged former member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Remember that we went to war against Iraq in 2003 on the words of a cabbie who claimed to have overheard two Iraqi Generals discussing WMD in the back of his cab!

And now General Petraeus says he is 90% certain Iran was involved.

But where is the proof? Where is the proof that will stand up in court and not be laughed out of court?

It is also curious that the FCO says it does not have any evidence of this allegation, and yet all the inglorious British media are reporting on this as if it is indisputable fact.

Iran, like most places in the world, could be a better nation, more open, less brutal.

But when you have countries like ours and the USA (controlled by Great Britain) interfering in every other nation believing that the world and all its natural resources are there to simply serve and enrich them and they will stop at nothing to implement this, even killing their own citizens via 9/11 and the NICE/Liverpool Care Pathway to pay for trillions in bank bailouts, then what are they supposed to do? Open their doors and invite us in for a cup of tea and hand over their natural resources and people to the engineers and financiers of WW1, WW2, the Holcaust, Israel and 9/11?

Iran must remain all the countries of this planet, free to pursue development of their countries for their people.

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