
Monday, April 19, 2010


Now that the FSA has decided to investigate Goldman Sachs, we must write to Lord Turner immediately and tell him how GS fits into the CFR/Bilderberg/Federal Reserve scheme of things, and that that system is essentially run for the benefit of the ultrarich few who engineered all the shit in the last century and first decade of this century.

I believe that those who wrote to the Chilcot Inquiry about the Clean Break/PNAC Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda and 9/11 have forced that particular inquiry to go hunting for the 9/11 Neocons, so we can influence these kinds of investigations.

Go on.

Have some fun.

Get Goldman Sachs.


City watchdog launches Goldman Sachs investigation

FSA to look into the UK activities of the embattled Wall Street bank which the US regulator has accused of a $1bn fraud

Embattled Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs is now facing an investigation by the City watchdog, the Financial Services Authority, following the $1bn (£650m) fraud allegations brought by the US regulators.

Goldman Sachs insisted its actions were "entirely appropriate" and that it would "vigorously contest" the charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

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