
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I recently listened to the Red Ice Radio interview with John Hall, author of A New Breed : Satellite Terrorism in America. I did not know the book had been published, but will order one immediately.

Some of you may have asked yourself why I am so vocal and pissed off with this country and the world as a whole and want to change it for the better for 99% of the world (the remaining 1% can go to hell). I know I am taking a big, possibly a very big, risk but I will now tell you.

About 12 years ago I started to get stalked. I don't know why, but I was. I was followed home late at night several times. I even thought that the house I was living in had been bugged, at the least. There would be silent phone calls late at night, and quite often the calls would occur just as I was about to fall asleep, as if they knew I was about to fall asleep (this will become significant later). I would open the front door in the morning to find a large piece of broken glass on the doorstep.

I then went to university to take a postgraduate degree. I was still stalked, and even received a death threat on campus. I answered a phone call late one Friday night and the guy at the other end pretended to be Irish and asked if there was a girl there (I can't remember the name he asked for). When I replied there was nobody there by that name he quickly dropped the Irish accent and in an accent I recognised as one from my home town (north england) he threatened to come round and kill me, upon which another guy in the background on the other end of the line asked, is he there? is that him?, and they both started laughing then put the phone down. I reported this phone call to the campus security the following day who reported that no record of a phone call to my room at that time on that day could be found. And how did they get my number? Hmm, I thought. Who is supporting these stalkers, I asked myself. It was then that I started to look at the JFK assassination again, my interest in this having started in 1992 until about 1996, which then led onto trying to understand David Icke, as stated on my website.

But the harassment would soon go into orbit...literally.

I graduated and got a research position at the university. After a year or so I bought my first house, in the summer of 2001. It then started to get real nasty, particularly after 9/11. But things were starting to get nasty before then.

I began to suffer sleep deprivation, and I can remember the following electronic harassment beginning about the same time I was stalked, but it was very soft in its effect and not that significant. But the following harassment gradually got stronger and more intense, and did not effectively stop until I was jobless and homeless several years later.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I would hear a click and I would be instantly awake again. Sometimes it happened just once a night. Other times it would happen several times a night, and the click would be louder, or would instead be a buzz, and sometimes I would actually feel the click or buzz in the back of my head. When this occured I also suffered from heart palpitations, stress and shallow breathing.

And this did not happen just at home. My employment took me away from home for the working week, so I was put up in hotels Monday to Thursday. This clicking/buzzing occured just as I was about to fall asleep then too.

Sometimes I would be woken up by the buzz/click after having only an hour of sleep, and when I tried to get back to sleep again the harassment would start again, so that I would get approximately three hours of broken sleep per night, e.g. one hour plus another two. This would happen for months at a time, with an occasional brief respite of a night or two, probably for the torturer to review the results of his or her torture and plan a different strategy.

Occasionally just as I was about to fall asleep I would be awakened by a very loud sound, such as a shotgun being fired or the aggressive barking from a violent large dog such as an Alsatian, instead of a buzz or click and these sounds sounded very very close, as if right next to, or even inside, my head! But none of these was nearby in reality because neighbours did not report hearing them, and I did not own a shotgun or an Alsatian, and as far as I know neither did my neighbours.

Why do I strongly suspect that our intelligence agencies were involved? Well one day I was due to meet an ex-girlfriend for a meet up in a pub. She had worked for MI6, but only as a clerk, I was told. The night before we were to meet I was not allowed to get any sleep due to the remote electronic harassment! So during that meeting with her I hardly said a word because I was exhausted. She commented on my silence several times. And to top it all off there was a spook who stood across the road taking photos (it was a nice spring day and we sat outside)!

This harassment significantly increased during the invasion of Afghanistan, and even more significantly during the invasion of Iraq. In fact on the morning of Shock and Awe I was violently woken up by a very loud and relatively long buzz. I put on the TV to hear that we had begun invading Iraq. For the next few months my brain was zapped 6,7,8 sometimes 9 or 10 times a night.

I lost so much sleep by this harassment that I could barely remember what I had done the previous day. I was very irritable and unsociable. I struggled to get any work done for months. Luckily I was able to work from home and could catch an hour of sleep here and there to make up, but to nowhere near the levels I really needed. I could also meditate which helped to recover from the lack of sleep. And plenty of fresh fruit juice had a positive effect too.

This continued through 2003 and 2004.

I tried to protect myself from the electronic cowards by building a Faraday Cage made out of fine copper mesh to sleep in. I also bought a very fine wire blanket, also with a very very fine mesh. These did reduce the harassment but did not stop it completely. I would still be zapped quite frequently, but not 10 times a night like during the first few weeks of Shock and Awe.

But then the harassment suddenly stopped in February 2005. A few weeks later I was told my employment contract was not being renewed, and I lost my job. I believe the emails and phone calls of my employers were being monitored, and that as soon as the decision to not renew my contract, after 6 years of good trouble-free work, had been taken, the job was done; I would be jobless and probably soon homeless. A year or so later I had to sell my house. It took about two months after the cessation of the zapping for me to recover to be anywhere near the healthy energetic person I was. I am changed...but ironically now spiritually and politically awakened and ready to bring down the New World Order. I used to run, swim, cycle and hike regularly, but because of the lack of sleep I gradually had to stop or drastically reduce this exercise. As a result I have put on weight and rarely get out.

But one side effect of all this is that I get quite violent spasms that shake my body when I'm resting. My neck is often violently snapped to the side, and I can feel the energy flow being blocked in my neck before the snap. It's unpleasant. I never had this before 2001, and I believe that something has happened to my body's natural electrical network which was not expected/planned, and may have something to do with awakening my kundalini through meditation which has provided a lot more energy to flow around my body.

So maybe the harassment did not work. When it started I didn't know what was going in the world. I felt it was wrong, but did not know why. But I do now...and let this be heard:

our drug-dealing, kiddie-fiddling terrorist intelligence agencies are in bed with criminals. Not just those on yachts in the Med, but local ones too, the ones at street level, probably all the way into the local cop shop.

So if those criminals are reading; you are working for paedos, and people who use kids and paedos, for political control!

And to prove I am not making this up after the fact, during that time I wrote twice to the Intelligence and Security Committee, once in 2003 and once in 2004, naming names, to demand that they investigate this electronic harassment technology with the evidence I had recorded and the literature that I had read that described the research into electronic harassment; from the hearing of buzzing and clicking from microwaves reported by civilian and military personnel (see The Zapping of America by Paul Brodeur), to the technology to remotely beam sounds directly into people's heads, as well as remote thought reading and control (see books by Jim Kieth).

Guess what happened? Sweet FA.

The ISC believed the torturing, drug-dealing, kiddie-fiddling MI5 when they said the 7/7 bombers were clean skins and that MI5 don't do torture, but they didn't believe me, with all the evidence I provided.

Well, the total 100% bona fide idiots of the ISC are handing their kids and grandkids directly into the hands of these kiddie fiddling scumbags.

If you have not listened to the interview, please do so now.

So what do I think happened to me, and why? I think I was initially the subject of low-level harassment and stalking by low-level criminals. I am still unable to think of a good reason why...maybe they just didn't like me (which I am glad about). When I did not lose it, by running to a psychiatrist and getting detained in a mental institution, my details may well have been passed up through the chain of command of the criminal-intelligence network, who eventually gained access to this satellite technology, which was used on me in ever increasing intensity and strength until I was jobless and homeless. Either that or I was selected by some secret military-intelligence operation, with the help of the low-level criminals, for gradually increasing levels of harassment to see how much it would take to break me. The harassment was mostly from directed energy weapons, causing the clicking and buzzing and another form of e-assault I called the headfuck, but the shotgun/aggressive dog sounds indicate that those sounds were beamed directly into my head via a microwave weapon of some sort. The military-intelligence apparatus were definitely involved because of the attacks due to meeting with MI6 ex-girlfriend and the very significant increase in their intensity during the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The low-level criminals could not launch satellites armed with these weapons, but the military-intelligence complex would.

Another thing that started to happen during this time was that when I was driving I would get very strange thoughts, such as someone or something trying to persuade me into driving into somebody else's oncoming car at high speed, or getting strong sharp pains in my foot and elsewhere which temporarily diverted me from being in control of my car.

I often thought how my harassment was being facilitated. Was it my next door neighbour? Or even someone in the attic?! I laugh now at those ideas, but when you're absolutely shattered and confused by this harassment you don't and can't think straight. But just before the harassment virtually stopped in early 2005 I eventually came to the conclusion that it must be satellite-based, because it happened when I was in Prague for a holiday, as well as in hotels when I was working away from home at a client's offices.

The harassment still continues, but only a few times a year. It only occurs now if I arrange a meeting with friends days or weeks in advance, and the night before the meeting I am zapped so I lose sleep. For example last year I arranged to go for a walk with a friend in the Forest of Bowland. Guess what happened the night before? Yep! I got zapped, and got three hours broken sleep only. The purpose of this is to make me appear unsociable and uninterested, then to lose my friends and eventually become socially isolated. A similar zapping occured in July 2001 when I had prearranged to go for a seven hour hike up Scafell Pike. The night before the walk I was seriously zapped. I drove us there and nearly fell asleep at the wheel on the way back (obviously that was the purpose of the zapping - for me to crash and at least be seriously injured and for it to be blamed on 'fatigue'). But it shows how fit I was that I could do that then. I could not and would not attempt that now.

John Hall has taken a big weight off my mind with this research.

The technology exists and has for years, if not decades.

It is being abused.

I believe I lost my job and was forced to sell my house because of it.

Who will be next? Your son or daughter? For what? For simply not being liked by a local intelligence-agency-supported-and-protected criminal? Or as a mild form of eugenics? Or for any other reason, perhaps something as simple as wanting to gain some satanic gratification from remote torture.

If they're not killing little old granny to pay for the bailout then they're using electronic harassment on citizens trying to found out what's really going on and trying to stop the global warmongering, kiddie-fiddling and financial frauds.

Think about it.

What do we all need, and when are we at our most vulnerable?

We all need sleep, and are at our most vulnerable when asleep.

When asleep you are static, and are thus an easy target.

When asleep you are effectively unconscious.

When asleep, or about to fall asleep, you cannot defend yourself.

When asleep your body should be repairing itself.

When asleep your brain should be resting.

But when you're being buzzed awake several times a night for months on end...

This technology is classed as 'non-lethal'. It is invisible. It leaves no scars or wounds, but can kill people slowly, affecting internal organs only. In my case the vertebrae in my neck will leave some evidence due to the violent snapping to the side causing excessive wear.

They are cowards, simple and plain.

And think about this, because I hadn't. One reason suggested as to why some people are singled out is because they may be unaffected by the current electronic control grid. What electronic control grid? The one being implemented by the massive increase in microwave digital communications, from mobile telephones to the ongoing introduction of digital TV and radio. Digital microwave communications effectively hammer your brain with very tiny pulses, thousands of times a second. That is bound to have some effect on your brain over time. But what effect could that be? Well, Police and Military personnel have all complained about feeling aggressive, dodgy and numb and sick when a new digital communication network was implemented for them.

But also think about this : if this technology does exist then why can it not be used to track down Osama bin Laden? Or to track the thoughts of suspected terrorists around the globe? Are planned terrorist acts being discovered by this technology, or indeed, as I suspect may well be the case, being implanted directly into the brains of terrorists, and those terrorist acts allowed to happen?

This technology opens up a whole new dimension to global intelligence operations.


And when you find out that somebody else is already making a fortune from a business idea you had...

And when you find out that somebody else has already written that book you have dreamed of writing...

They fink you are stoop-id.

They think you are too dumbed and numbed by the chemicals in the water, from the additives in the food, from the media yelling which Z-list celebrities are fucking each other, and now from the digital microwaves silently and invisibly tap,tap,tapping at your brain and interfering with your brainwaves.

This is why there must be an investigation into this technology. We know it exists. A library of books and journal articles has been published about it, but you don't read them because you're too interested in which celebrities are banging each other!

But is it always being used for the purpose for which it was proposed? If not, then why not? And how is it being abused?


  1. Hello,

    Sorry for your story, I know well what does energy weapons means, what stalking is and what social isolation is...

    That god protect us all from the evil

  2. Hello!

    I know it's true because it happens with me.
    I do too meditation, you talk about the awaking of kundalini? Might all this electronic harassment related to restrain spiritual evolution of some people with certain capabilities?

    Hope that God protect you.

    Best Regards,


  3. Alex

    yes I think that is possible. At the peak of the harrassment during 2003/4 I was barely able to remember what I had done the previous day and was physically weaker. I have survived it, have recovered my thinking but not quite all the physical strength I should have, but as explained I now have a twitch/spasm which I can feel building up in my neck. I did not have this before, and I do think this is related to the natural energy flow, possibly a crossed or damaged channel, in my body and thus could be related to the kundalini.
