
Friday, July 16, 2010


Jundullah have claimed responsibility for the attack on a mosque in Zahedan, Iran, in retaliation for the execution of their former leader Abdolmalek Rigi. The CIA created Jundullah to destabilize Iran, and Rigi confirmed current and ongoing CIA support for Jundullah.

Use the CIA intelligence gathering and information censoring tool called Google to read for yourself how the alleged warriors for freedom create terrorist organisations and blow people up for fun. Search on the term "CIA Jundullah"...but hurry before the CIA deletes all relevant information.



Iran mosque hit by bomb blasts

At least 20 killed and more than 100 wounded in two suicide bombings outside a mosque in south-eastern Iran

David Batty and agencies, Friday 16 July 2010 07.53 BST

At least 20 people have been killed and more than 100 wounded in two suicide bombings outside a mosque in south-eastern Iran.

Members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards were among those who died when the blast struck outside the main mosque in Zahedan, the capital of Sistan-Baluchistan province, the IRNA state news agency reported.

"The first explosion took place behind a checkpoint, and a number of Revolutionary Guard members were killed and injured because of it," Ali Abdollahi, the deputy interior minister, told the Fars news agency.

The head of the province's medical emergency department, Fariborz Rashedi, said: "In the two explosions in Zahedan more than 20 people were killed and over 100 were injured."

Local prosecutor Mohammad Marzieh told IRNA that 21 people had died.

The Sunni rebel group Jundullah, or Soldiers of God, claimed responsibility, according to al-Arabiya Television. The attack was in retaliation for the execution of the group's leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, last month.

Jundullah is accused by Tehran of mounting terrorist attacks with the support of the US, Britain and Pakistan. The government also claims it is linked to al-Qaida.

"Confessions of Abdolmalek Rigi prove that America, Israel and some European countries are directly involved in the attacks," said Guards official Yadollah Javadi in remarks carried by Fars.

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