
Wednesday, July 14, 2010


When I first heard the news that Raoul Moat was dead it was on BBC Radio 5 Live, and the initial reports were that tasers had not, repeat not, been used.

But since his death it has come out that
1. Durham Prison had warned that Moat was ready to go on a bloody rampage
2. Moat was a police informer
3. experimental tasers had been used on Moat...TWICE!
4. while in prison Moat was complaining the police were always on his back, and he was constantly requesting psychiatric help (which was obviously denied).

I do not condone or support Moat's attacks on his ex, her boyfriend and the cop he attacked, but when someone in prison, particularly an informant, starts asking for help, which is then denied, and he is then released with warnings that he was going to go on a bloody rampage, warnings which are ignored, and then he shoots some people declaring war on the cops, and he is then hunted down with vehicles being shipped over from Northern Ireland and a RAF Tornado deployed, only for the man to die live on TV, shooting himself after being tasered and the cops then immediately say tasers weren't used and the media blindly report it so, then you've gotta ask yourself; WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

Like with any shocking media event such as this, it looks like it was engineered by some psycho psychiatrist on the payroll of the CIA or MI5 with the aim of telling the people; look, we are in total control of you, this is what we can do in broad daylight in front of the world media and the people will support us.



'I've got problems with the police, they're always on my back': Secret audio diary reveals how killer Moat asked for psychiatric help

By Paul Sims

Secret tapes: Raoul Moat recorded up to 50 hours of conversations with care workers and police from July last year

An extraordinary audio diary recorded by Raoul Moat up to a year before his gun rampage reveals how the killer had previously asked for psychiatric help.

The recordings - said to be up to 50 hours long - were covertly made by the father of three as he met with social workers, police and family between July 2009 and April 2010.

In them he claims he is being harassed by police, and carries 'the stress of the world' on his shoulders.

The tapes were passed to ITV News by a friend of Moat's after his death.

In a recording made by Moat during a meeting in August 2009 - attended by a social worker - he says: 'I would like to have a psychiatrist, psychologist, have a word with me regularly, on a regular basis, to see if there's somewhere underlying where I have a problem that I haven't seen.

'It's easy for me to say I don't do anything wrong but I would like a professional, you know, not a DIY thing. A professional thing for someone to come along and say, "Look there's area for improvement here. This is a problem".'

Letting his mind wander to the next thought without properly finishing sentences, Moat displays a genuine desire to get help in a bid to keep his family together.

He says: 'This is one of the things I'm suggesting... to me that would be the most, you know, spend some money on trying to get this family back together instead of splitting it up.

'If I'm at fault myself in any way I'm open to all kinds of suggestions but I refuse to spend the rest of my time fighting with social services.'

In another recording he says: 'I'm quite emotionally unstable, I get myself over-the-top happy sometimes you know. And I have my bad days. I've done it all my life, that when things [are] going on that you don't like you block things out.

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