
Monday, July 26, 2010


Two years ago, the inglorious NWO tried a sneak attack on Russia via Georgia. It didn't work.

Last year there was an attempt to instigate civil war in Iran via The Green Revolution, another CIA/MI6 colour revolution. That didn't work either.

In the last month or so talk of war on Iran has escalated. A very good analysis of this has been made by Webster Tarpley at

Now Wikileaks has released thousands of classified documents, and surprise, surprise, these documents detail the fears of NATO commanders that Pakistan and Iran are backing the Taliban, who have suddenly increased their attacks on NATO.

This 'leak' is thus a very very convenient way of blaming Iran for the Taliban and the deaths of NATO soldiers, because if it is leaked on Wikileaks then it MUST be true, right?

We know for a fact that the CIA and the ISI created the Taliban.

We know for a fact that the CIA created al-Qaeda.

We know for a fact that Iran has been in NATO crosshairs after being named in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.

I am not stating that Wikileaks is part of an information warfare operation, but I do question why this latest set of 'leaks' tells us something we know already (the ISI/Taliban link) but also supports the continuing build up for war on Iran as part of the A Clean Break/Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda by blaming Iran for supporting the Taliban, which if you were Iran would be virtual suicide.

And let's look at the newspapers leaking the 'leaks'.

The Guardian was promoting mass genocide last December in blatantly supporting the Copenhagen Conference. It also deleted my comment about The Club of Rome and its Nazi heritage. It is also publishing propaganda for the A Clean Break/Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda, frequently demonising Iran.

The New York Times, the premier paper in New York, is owned by the Ochs-Sulzbergers, who are either CFR and/or Bilderberg.

Der Spiegel was formally called Diese Woche, a British/American propaganda media, but it was quickly handed over to Rudolf Augstein. Augstein appointed known former members of the Nazi propaganda and security departments as senior personnel, and defended the Nazi propaganda lie that Marinus van der Lubbe set the Reichstag on fire (as part of Gladio?). It also took a pro-Georgia position during the 2008 Russia-Georgia war, and is accused by Hezbollah leader Nasrallah of being part of the Zionist propaganda machine. Such a magazine, with one of the largest circulations in Europe, smells like it is part of the CIA Mockingbird Media apparatus, but at the moment the evidence is not solid.

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