
Sunday, July 25, 2010


The word of the day is extermination.

1. ex KGB agent says he was told by ex MI5 agent that Dr David Kelly had been 'exterminated'.

Kelly was murdered. He was a major obstacle to the A Clean Break/Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda because he was highly sceptical of the major claim that Iraq had WMD, and was voicing his scpeticism. It is now crystal clear that Kelly was correct; Iraq did not have WMD, and those minor weapons that Iraq did have were bought from us. The second main claim against Iraq, that it was behind 9/11, has also been busted and MI5 head Manningham-Buller wrote memos stating that Iraq was not behind 9/11. Nevertheless, Iraq was invaded as per the A Clean Break/Rebuilding America's Defenses agenda. And now Bilderberg has given a green light to attack Iran.

2. despite promises, the NHS budget is to be axed.

We were told that the NHS would be safe from cuts, but now secret plans have been drawn up to restrict even the most basic treatments. This is one of the aims of the engineered financial crisis, to kill people and make their lives a misery. The main aim is to create some sort of new global financial architecture, but because of the Nazi heritage of our inglorious bankers, the resulting economic depression will kill off the sick and the weak, just like Hitler did with his T4 extermination program.


So the word of the day is extermination.

Dr David Kelly was exterminated.

Many hard-working British taxpayers will be exterminated.

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