
Friday, January 28, 2011


The O of The COCCs, George "The Oik" Osborne, returned to Switzerland today, just a few weeks after celebrating the coming joblessness of millions of innocent and unwitting British taxpayers at Klosters at New Year. He spoke before the parasites at Davos. He concurred with JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon and suggested that we, the muggins British taxpayer, should shut up and grind down and pay for the gambling debts of his mates the Rothschilds and their mates.

There was not then, nor is there now, any legal or moral reason for the innocent and unwitting British taxpayer to pay the gambling debts of private banks, when those banks were given the God-like privilege of creating non-existent money out of thin air. That privilege was abused, a credit bubble based on property was inflated, and then pricked by Bilderberg Hank Paulson. In the following turmoil Bilderberg banks grew stronger, and corrupt governments illegally and immorally assumed the gambling debts of the Rothschild Inter Alpha Group, and then asked to be bailed out by the IMF. As a result the IMF demanded that working conditions for the ordinary man and woman be attacked, their pensions attacked, their civil rights attacked, and their elderly and infirm relatives encouraged to commit suicide, all in the name of saving the Nazi gambling banks.

This is why the O of the COCCs went grovelling before our self-proclaimed Gods at Davos.

He is from a different planet.

Have you read his speech? What a sewerpipe sucker.

And I say to business: don’t stand on the sidelines and watch us fight the forces of stagnation. Join us in defeating them.

We need your help.

An enterprising Britain cannot be built by government alone.

An enterprising Britain comes about when its businesses say ‘we won’t be held back any more’.

An enterprising Britain is born when its citizens believe that their aspirations in life are shaped by the fruits of their labours, not the circumstances of their birth.

An enterprising Britain is one that sees a world with a resurgent China, a booming India, a thriving Brazil and understands that it is an opportunity not a threat.

An enterprising Britain.

A Britain open for business.

That is what I want to build.

And I need your help to do it.

[soure : Speech by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon George Osborne MP, at the CBI Business Leaders Lunch, in Davos, 28/01/2011]


We don't need New World Order parasites. They only make things worse.

What we need is patriots not traitors, and men and women elected into power based on merit, not DNA or sycophancy.

But we also need to remind these piss-taking Nazi bankers who reluctantly bailed them out.

We expect a lot more respect from them.

They have a tremendous privilege, of being able to create trillions of money out of thin air, while the ordinary man and woman works two jobs just to keep a roof over the heads of their family.

After what they've done they should be bloody grateful, at least sending food and money to children in need, instead of telling us to shut up while asking for $100 TRILLION more!

I strongly encourage the bashing of the banks and bankers, and their apologisers, as long as they keep making such crass and ignorant remarks which clearly indicate their complete contempt for the very people who gave them such a God-like privilege to create money out of thin air, while taking all profits and bonuses into tax havens off shore, but then come crying crocodile tears to the taxpayers for a bailout.

Uuugh! It makes me want to puke!

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