
Tuesday, February 01, 2011


The Nazis collaborated with and were financed by the British-allied banks and bankers of Wall Street, the same cabal that have just engineered the current financial crisis and grown bigger and stronger after it.

A component of this collaboration was the eugenics movement. The Harrimans and the Rockefellers were instrumental in driving the eugenics program in both the USA and Nazi Germany. The Nazis implemented the T4 program to kill those deemed "life unworthy of life" such as the weak, infirm, elderly and disabled, and this included children too.

The controversial Liverpool Care Pathway was designed to assist the pathway to heaven. Those considered close to death were placed on the LCP without relatives being told and after a quick checkbox questionnaire of the patient. But the LCP has instead been used to murder old people. There was some concern a year or so ago about the way in which the elderly were quickly placed on the LCP after several people were placed on the LCP, but due to circumstances left the LCP and survived.

It has now been reported in The Daily Record that Midazolam, a drug used on those on death row just before their execution, is being used on the elderly in hospitals in Scotland.

Watt 's fears were echoed by angry daughter Patricia MacGillivray, who believes she and her family saved her dad John's life in 2009 by insisting that he be taken off midazolam.

Patricia, 44, said she was told by staff at Perth Royal Infirmary that John, now 80, was at death's door after a suspected stroke.

But she claims her dad started to improve after he accidentally knocked the line out of his arm that was pumping the drugs into his body.

And she says he recovered and went home after the family ordered doctors to stop giving him the sedatives.

John is still alive and well nearly two years later. And Patricia said: "What 's happening in our hospitals. is euthanasia by the back door, and society needs to wake up to it.

"People must ask questions when their loved-one is in hospital. They must ask, 'What's that you're giving them? Is there any alternative?' "This issue affects every single household in the land.

"My dad is lovely and enjoys life with his family. It terrifies him to think about what happened to him.

"He was horrified when we told him about it and insists he's never going back in to hospital."

MSP Margo Macdonald, who has fought for the rights of terminally ill patients, is also deeply concerned about the use of LCP.

She said: "People haven't got a clue about it.

[source : Death row drug fed to dying Scottish pensioners, The Daily Record, 1/2/11]

The two largest components of public spending are pensions and health. By quietly killing an old person the government kills two birds with one stone. Murdered old people don't need a pension, and murdered old people don't need expensive health treatment. Thus the government can satisfy the death lust of the gambling Nazi banks by killing those deemed "life unworthy of life " by the LCP, and also pay for the gambling debts of the gambling Nazi banks.

The COCCs (Cameron, Oik, Cable and Clegg) must stop bashing the unions and stop this blatant Nazi-style murder of the elderly now!

They must also drag the likes of David Rockefeller before a court and charge him and his associates with mass murder.

Whose side are you on, COCCS?
Whose side are you on?

1 comment:

  1. I think you are probably right! I think there is cooperation to systematically "crop" older people by all governments by finding loopholes in existing laws.

    Here in the US, I am sure that they are using the grey area of DNR law to circumvent and avoid the high costs of offering "full code" resuscitation to elderly patients who do save the government, Medicare and SS system, and the private for-profit insurers lots of $$$$$ when the elderly person dies sooner rather than later.

    If the old and competent patient elects to go sooner and cheaper, this is ethical and compassionate care and can be sanctioned! But, what if this is a unilateral decision made by the Doctor and the Hospital?

    Who would ever look in the hospital chart after the death of an elderly cancer patient to determine whether or not a life-saving intervening treatment was withheld because of the DNR in the chart.

    Nobody, of course! It is all moot! The patient is dead!
