
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


A caller named Simon phoned into the BBC Radio 5 Live phone in this morning. The topic of today's discussion was, what would you do as Chancellor?

Simon was the second caller. He was passionate but controlled, and laid out how the banks create money out of nothing, that the banks do not have the money they claim to have, that only a very small percentage of the money in our system is actually cash and the rest is simply numbers on a computer, and that the banks are taking over everything. Simon's simple solution to this is take back the power to create money and restore it to the government. Simon stated that Abraham Lincoln did this to finance his campaign in the US Civil War, a war that he won because of this. But in winning that war in that way he was assassinated by agents of the City of London, whose attitude has alway been that only they and their minions can create money out of nothing so that they can take over the world.

If the banks can create money out of nothing and completely wreck the economy, they have shown themselves as untrustworthy as NATO and unworthy of such power.

So take back the power to create money, restore it to the government, so the government can create money, debt and interest free, to get the economy that the banks wrecked back to work.

Oh, and clamp down very heavily on all tax avoidance, evasion and whatever else they do.

Two simple actions that can be done today by The Oik.

But don't hold your breath...

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