
Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Rhodes Scholar and Knight of the British Empire, General Wesley Clark, wrote in his book Winning Modern Wars that he was told by unnamed sources in the Pentagon that in November 2001, two months after 9/11, plans were already being made for war on Iraq[1]. But Clark was also told that in a five year plan six other countries would be targeted. So in all seven nations were targets of US military aggression. They were
and finally...Libya.

Six of these have been significantly affected by either large scale military invasion or destabilisations by assasination and/or revolution, and in one case, Lebanon, both.

Iraq and Iran were named as targets in PNACs Rebuilding America's Defenses, published one year before 9/11 (so plans were already made for these two).

Even on 9/11 the PNACers were blaming Iraq as well as ObL. Iraq was invaded and no WMDs found.

Iran has been the subject of Anglo-American-Israeli plans for years, and the undead George Soros recently stated that Iran would suffer the bloodiest of revolutions, a green revoloution having been crushed in 2009.

The assassination of Rafik Hariri in February 2005 destabilised Lebanon, and in the Cedar Revolution the Syrians withdrew. In 2006 Israel attacked Lebanon. The STL is to blame Hezbollah, but some reports have implicated Iran.

Syria, along with Iraq and Iran, was named in A Clean Break as targets of Israeli aggression.

Sudan is now being partitioned.

Libya is now under a No Fly Zone with open talk of assassinating Gaddafi, despite such an option not permitted in UN SCR 1973.

There was a small invasion of Somalia by the US military in 2009.

So six out of seven is not bad.

What the name of this operation is I do not know, but whatever it is, the operation itself seems to have been successful.

But what have Russia and China done about this?

[1] The Secrets Clark Kept,

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