
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


One of few men and women talking some sense on the UN breaking its own charter by meddling in a civil war with bombs, and a civil war that was actually instigated and guided by NATO intelligence circles, including our own MI6 and SAS.

I pray that the corrupt wretches in the House of Commons listen to this.

The partition of Libya is definitely on the agenda. It is being proposed more frequently in the media since the bombing of Libya started. This is what Webster Tarpley is proposing is the real state of affairs. The partitioning of several rogue states, rogue to the empire that is. These states are targets for destabilisation and partitioning, to make them weak and more controllable by the empire, as they seek to relieve themselves of the yoke of empire and develop into proud nation states. Libya is the most advanced nation in Africa, having used oil money for the benefit of its people. We are now bombing it. Why? If it is subsequently partitioned on an East-West basis, the oil in the East will go to the rebs and their sponsors, the USA and UK, or to be more accurate, BP and Shell, not us, and they could sell to it whoever the like.

Whether this all results in an attack on Iran, or another revolution in Iran as proposed by the undead George Soros, I don't know. But with any major violence in or around the Middle East I always raise the spectre of the Albert Pike three-world-war plan. That modern history has generally followed that plan, with even the saintly FDR provoking and allowing the Japanese to kill nearly 3000 US military personnel at Pearl Harbour, is very concerning. Could it be that all modern history has been manipulated to keep within the scope of that Pike plan? Nearly 150 years of history cannot be completely controlled, but the major events can be, to keep modern history within a certain margin of error that would allow the Pike plan to eventually be realised, with a few minor corrections.

The price of oil jumped as a result of the illegal bombing of Libya. It was falling, mainly due to Japan. This drop in oil price was not proposed by Pastor Williams. The bombing of Libya drove it up again. Hmm.

But who has gambled on the price of oil being much higher than it is now, and is losing because of it?

But to gain more clarity and perhaps support for Tarpley's analysis, there is one thing that we as sovereign citizens can do;


He knows what is supposed to be happening, as he so publicly implied on Bloomberg 1st February 2011 in an interview about Egypt and Mubarak. Kissinger stated that events in Egypt were "only the first scene of the first act of a drama that is to be played out". He also ended the interview with his belief (or should that be command) that if Egypt went "back to the nationalist orientation of Nasser then things are going to get very tough".

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