
Friday, July 29, 2011


That is the amount of 'money' that The Non-Federal Reserve conjured up out of thin air and gave to banks, both foreign and domestic.



There are sixteen trillion questions you could ask about this cheeky daylight robbery, but the main question for me is,
How do you get away with robbing sixteen trillion dollars?

How do you steal sixteen trillion dollars and avoid being lynched, or going to prison for a very, very, very long time?

It is becoming clearer to me day by day that whoever organised this sixteen trillion dollar robbery is also organising, manipulating and instigating all the military conflicts in the Eurasian region.

By engineering a global financial crisis and global military crises we are being provoked into demanding a world government to solve all the world's problems.

But guess who engineered all the problems?

And guess who would ultimately control the resulting world government?

By cntrolling any world government the banksters would be beyond the law, free from prosecution and living it up in one of their many 100 bedroom mansions or castles located in the most desirable areas of the world. Meanwhile the rest of us, the scum, can fester in squalor and come to love our servitude and drudgery.


The Looting Of America: The Federal Reserve Made $16 Trillion In Secret Loans To Their Bankster Friends And The Media Is Ignoring The Eye-Popping Corruption That Has Been Uncovered

A one-time limited GAO audit of the Federal Reserve that was mandated by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has uncovered some eye-popping corruption at the Fed and the mainstream media is barely even covering it. It turns out that the Federal Reserve made $16.1 trillion in secret loans to their bankster friends during the financial crisis. You can read a copy of the GAO investigation for yourself right here. These loans only went to the "too big to fail" banks and to foreign financial institutions. Not a penny of these loans went to small banks or to ordinary Americans. Not only did the banksters get trillions in nearly interest-free loans, but the Fed actually paid them over 600 million dollars to help run the emergency lending program. The GAO investigation revealed some absolutely stunning conflicts of interest, and yet the mainstream media does not even seem interested. Solid evidence of the looting of America has been put right in front of us, and yet hardly anyone wants to talk about it.

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