
Thursday, July 28, 2011


Apparently not.

Apparently the British government, along with the French and the American governments, decide who will govern Libya and who the legitimate government of Libya is.

And there is now a power struggle within the rebels, with Younes being killed. NATO media tried to imply that Gaddafi killed him. But it is a power struggle. Who can make most money out of us. Who can murder the most. Who is more corruptible.

Add this to the racist murders and torture.

Are these the alleged democratic freedom-loving thugs we want running Libya?

While we put these thugs in power in Libya our NHS is being accused of delaying operations hoping that patients die in order to save money to help bail out the gambling Nazi bankster financiers of Cameron. So far the cost of putting the Libyan al-Qaeda thugs into power in Libya has cost us £260 million.

But not only that. It has cost us what little respect we had around the world. We told the whole world that military action in Libya was about protecting civilians. Within days of it beginning it was clear the military action was about regime change. Gaddafi had to step down and leave or risk being assassinated. Over three months and lots of grandchildren bombed and maimed by NATO later, and NATO is collapsing. Norway is pulling out, which is possibly the reason why the massacre attributed to Breivik occured last week. Netherlands is pulling out. Italy is almost pulling out.

And now the Libyan al-Qaeda rebels are fighting among themselves and killing each other in a secondary civil war, one that the SAS did not provoke (or did they?) instead of fighting as one against Gaddafi.

Meanwhile the 69 year old Gaddafi remains in power. He has been robbed by Goldman Sachs, like the rest of us. The Not Accurate Targeting Organisation (NATO) murdered three of his grandchildren. But he remains.

The Null World Order cannot remove him.

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