
Sunday, March 25, 2012


The media is protecting Sarkozy. They are questioning in some detail how Merah could have afforded his lifestyle and become so radicalised without being either arrested beforehand or become number one suspect from the start, but they are not questioning the 'coincidence' that this series of shootings has benefitted Sarkozy enormously and they are also ignoring the downfall of DSK last year in which Sarkozy and his agents are heavily implicated.

Anyway, Merah was living well beyond his means.
The revelations will raise questions about how Merah succeeded in amassing such an arsenal of weapons – and while unemployed and on benefits – without raising the suspicions of the intelligence services who were supposed to have him under surveillance. The investigation will focus on how an unemployed petty thief could afford a €500 (£418) a month flat, as well as a rented garage and two hire cars.

[source : Toulouse shooting: failure to find first target led assassin to Jewish school, The Khordokovsky-and-green-genocide-loving Guardian,, 24/03/2012]

Police are trying to determine whether Merah had any help in carrying out the murders. Key questions include how Merah, described by the French intelligence boss Ange Mancini as "a little failure from the suburbs", was able to amass an arsenal of weapons – including an Uzi submachine gun – and rent a car, despite having no clear source of income. Mr Mancini told the French broadcaster BFM TV that Merah told police during the siege that he bought the weapons for €20,000 using money he acquired through break-ins and hold-ups.

[source : Girlfriend to marry soldier shot dead by scooter killer,, The Independent, 25/03/2012]

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