
Saturday, March 24, 2012


I awoke this morning to news that a Russian banker has been shot in London. I fully expected the anti-Russia propaganda to kick in...and it has.

Two articles in the online papers this morning have mentioned Litvinenko, one even with that famous photograph of the dying radioactive traitor (as recognised even by his own father) Litvinenko on his death bed, implying that the two are linked.

Note that I have not described the death of Litvinenko as murder. I will explain why shortly.

First. The UK media.

The attempted assassination will prompt comparisons with the murder of Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko in London in November 2006.

British prosecutors have named his fellow ex-KGB agent Andrei Lugovoy as the main suspect in his poisoning with radioactive polonium-210.

[source : Exiled Russian banker left in coma after submachine gun 'assassination bid' near Canary Wharf had testified in murder case, The Daily Mail,, 24/03/2012]

Comes complete with the widely published photograph of the radioactive Litvinenko on his death bed.

The last high-profile attack on a Russian citizen in the UK brought relations between the two countries to breaking point.

The murder of Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko, who was poisoned in 2006, was treated as a state supported assassination.

Litvinenko's death from poisoning by radioactive polonium-210 sparked a diplomatic battle between the UK and Russia. Moscow has refused to extradite one of its intelligence agents, Andrei Lugovoi, whom the UK suspects of a role in the poisoning.

At this stage, it is understood there is nothing to suggest that the attack on Gorbuntsov was in the same category as the Litvinenko case.

[source : Russian banker in coma after London shooting, The Guardian,, 24/03/2012]

Comes with a film about Mikhail Khordokovsky (all together ; 1,2,3,...aaawwww).

But in both of these articles it is clearly stated that German Gorbuntsov had recently given evidence in the case of the attempted murder of another banker Antonov. Three Chechens were convicted for that failed hit, but who ordered the hit is still unknown. The fresh evidence from Gorbuntsov has led to the case being reopened. Friends of Gorbuntsov think the attempt to kill him is related to this recent testimony. This makes total sense.

So back to Litvinenko. The inquest into Litvinenko's death was supposed to have been given his post mortem records last October 2011. The police requested two more weeks. It is now March, nearly April 2012. And still no post mortem records.


I suspect it may have something to do with whatever was up Litvinenko's arse when he fell ill. It was reported there were three solid objects up there, but that news was quickly buried.
The poison used to attack the former Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko remained unknown last night as doctors searching for a radioactive toxin focused their efforts on pieces of "dense matter" found in his intestines.

The team treating Mr Litvinenko at University College Hospital in central London believe the defector must have knowingly swallowed the three pieces of material which have become lodged in his colon.

X-rays have shown that two of the items are of a similar size to a 2p coin and the other is the shape of a figure "8", according to a hospital source. But it is not yet known whether the three items are linked to Mr Litvinenko's illness, which has left him without a functioning immune system, due to the failure of his bone marrow, and liver damage. Tests are being carried out to identify the pieces of material.

[source : Doctors treating poisoned Russian focus on objects in his colon, The Independent,, 23/06/2012]

Surely after OVER FIVE YEARS those objects would now have been identified.

Why have the post mortem records not been released?

Since October the coroner has demanded that both MI5 and MI6 release all information they have relating to Litvinenko, this probably due to the now absolute fact that Litvinenko (the traitor as recognised now by even his own father) was paid tens of thousands of pounds by British Intelligence for his services.

Though what his services were to the realm are as yet to be revealed.

And I strongly suspect NEVER to be revealed.

Shortly after issuing his demands to MI5 and MI6 the coroner was involved in a scandal involving his wife, and was hospitalised for nearly a week with what was classed as appendicitis.

But still no post mortem records.

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