
Sunday, March 18, 2012


The New York Times is reporting there is little disagreement between CIA and Mossad that Iran is not building a nuclear bomb, despite them throwing everything they have at spying on Iran.
Today, as suspicions about Iran’s nuclear ambitions have provoked tough sanctions and threats of military confrontation, top administration officials have said that Iran still has not decided to pursue a weapon, reflecting the intelligence community’s secret analysis.

...The extent of the evidence the spy agencies have collected is unclear because most of their findings are classified, but intelligence officials say they have been throwing everything they have at the Iranian program.

[source : U.S. Faces a Tricky Task in Assessment of Data on Iran, NYT, 18/03/2012]

But try telling that to Nutternyahu. As soon as anyone farts in Gaza Nutternyahu is on the TV demanding war on Iran and citing the Holocaust.

It is becoming increasingly clear that our unhuman sociopathic leaders are dancing to a different tune to the rest of us and are becoming increasingly isolated from us. Yet it is we who will suffer the potentially genocidal consequences of their corrupt decisions. That is the very definition of a sociopath.

But when it comes to Israel all common sense goes out of the window. For it was created in blood for blood. I have hammered the history of Israel on this blog for years. How the Palestinians were betrayed by the British and the Sauds, who then used the wealth from oil to promote the violent extremist Wahhabi version of Islam. How the European Jews were encouraged to transfer to Palestine, but refused because of their scepticism. How the European Jews could have been saved from the Nazis and the Holocaust by the Zionist leadership but were left to die so their deaths could be used to persuade a sceptical world Jewry that Palestine was the only safe haven for them from a cruel and harsh world. How the Holocaust so psychologically traumatised the Jews that they terrorised the Palestinians into Gaza and The West Bank. How Israel was then given financial, military and political support, including nuclear weapons, to bully and persecute the Palestinians to provoke global anger in the Islamic world, which is now controlled through al-CIAda and channeled through Saudi Arabia, so that we now have a clash of civilizations scenario threatening to drag nation after nation into a global nuclear conflict at the same time that a global financial crisis is occuring.

This is not a case of "shit happens".

This is a satanic conspiracy to trick us into demanding our own slavery and genocide by demanding a global fascist dictatorship run by the same bankers who engineered the crises in the first place and who want human population levels down to between a half and one billion.

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