
Saturday, March 17, 2012


The destiny of the human race will be decided in the next three to six months, if the intelligence given to LPAC and EIR is to be believed. And I do.

The good thing is that many of us are awake to the threat, including The Pentagon rank and file.

The bad thing is that our corrupt unhuman sociopathic leaders look like they are going to go for it and try to start a nuclear WW3 quite soon.

WW3 will not start over the period of one hour or so. It will be a steady escalation, from the initial Israeli strike on Iran, then to Iran's and Hezbollahs' response, then to America's and Israel response, then to the response of Russia, China and possibly Pakistan. Between responses will be round and round of talks and more talks, between allies and between foes, giving us further time to expose the criminals behind it all. Perhaps in the panic the general public will be more open to the suggestion it is all a scam.

Add a false flag operation in there to blame Iran and/or Hezbollah and/or Russia and/or China then those talks could be derailed leading to the level of violence rising to the use of nuclear weapons, eventually worse.

But let us never forget how we came to be in this position.

First and foremost it is Israel. Not the many ordinary Israelis who are beginning to see their predicament and protest. No. It is not them. It is the corrupt and delusional Zionist leadership and their ultimate masters in London, the Rothschilds. Without them the initial Jewish settlements would more than likely have failed. Without them we would not have had the Balfour Declaration and WW1, in which Palestine was stolen from the Palestinians after they were encouraged to rebel against the Ottomans in return for independence, but instead got the betrayal by the British and the Sauds and mass Jewish immigration. Without them we would not have seen the Nazis and their attempts to persuade German Jews to transfer to Palestine, an attempt which failed due to mass Jewish scepticism and led to the Holocaust to persuade global Jewry that Palestine and only Palestine was the only haven for them from a cruel and harsh world. Without them we would not have seen the Zionist terror gangs, having been psychologically traumatised by the Holocaust, terrorising the Palestinians off their farms into the cesspits that are now Gaza and The West Bank. Without them we would not have seen the finance and political support to sustain Israel as it bullied and killed Palestinians. And without them Israel would not have nuclear weapons, and be now threatening Iran over non-existent nuclear weapons.

It is looking more and more like the trigger for WW3 will be due to the Zionist regime in Israel, and that the conflict it will spark will drag in nation after nation, with the world having been divided on the issue of Israel v Palestine for decades.

Such a plan is attributed to the Freemasonic sicko Albert Pike. No hard evidence exists to support this claim, but there is very very very strong circumstantial evidence to support it.

As I said a few months ago. If we fall for this one then we deserve everything that's coming to us.

Two world wars have occured. A third one can too.

We cannot blame Russia and China for defending their interests. But we can blame our corrupt unhuman sociopathic leaders for supporting, defending and propagating state-sponsored terrorism, in New York and Washington DC on 9/11, in London on 7/7, in Iran as the MeK does the bidding of Israel by killing Iranian nuclear scientists. And on. And on. And on.

This drive for WW3 lies in the beating hearts of all of us. It must be stopped. They are our leaders, supposed to be serving us, not ordering us about, ripping us off, treating us like scum, and serving a cabal of warmongering kiddie-fiddling satanists who want a global fascist dictatorship over a vastly reduced human population.

Look deep inside your soul and ask what you can do to stop this mad, insane, criminal drive towards a nuclear WW3.

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