
Saturday, March 17, 2012


Despite the car bombs that exploded in Damascus today being shown to contain smouldering bodies, thus implying the attacks were al Qaeda-type suicide attacks, the media continues to imply that the Syrian government committed the attacks, and continues to use the phrase "terrorist", as if yeah, sure, the "terrorists" did it (tee hee hee, snigger, snigger).

Let's look at what the media are reporting and how they are reporting it.
Twin blasts hit the heart of Damascus today, killing at least 27 people in an attack on security installations that state television blamed on "terrorists" seeking to oust President Bashar al-Assad.

...Gruesome images from the sites showed what appeared to be smoldering bodies in two separate vehicles, a wrecked minivan smeared with blood, and severed limbs collected in sacks.

[source : Two blasts hit Damascus, The Independent, 17/03/2012]

Note the use of "terrorist" despite this report stating that bodies could be seen in the wreckage.

The report said the "terrorist" blasts were caused by car bombs at the aviation intelligence department and a police building at around 7.30am local time.

...Television pictures from the police building showed the smouldering wreckage of a car and what appeared to be a body inside.

[source : Syrian capital hit by two explosions, The Guardian, 17/03/2102]

Note the use of "terrorist" despite this report stating that bodies could be seen in the wreckage.

I seriously doubt that the Syrian security service are that incompetent that they would blow themselves up. We can therefore conclude that the Syrian NATO/Arab League-sponsored al Qaeda death squad rebels killed and wounded over 100 people, and rising, in Damascus today, as they did in Aleppo a month or so ago.

Bravo, Cameron and Hague for supporting these terrorists!

Bravo, al Assad for standing up to the NATO/Arab League-sponsored al Qaeda death squad thugs!

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