
Friday, March 23, 2012


Another opportunity for me to step back in amazement and wonder to say, "Quelle surprise!"

What did General Wesley Clark say would happen after the mother of all inside jobs 9/11?


Currently Syria.

Iran and Somalia next.

And the war on the Somalia mainland has now officially begun.

This decision to attack sites on the Somalia mainland has the potential to get boots on the ground.

We could ask of our leaders, "So, what first attracted you and BP to the near-desert and famine-riddled Somalia that has the seventh largest oil reserves in the world?".

A month ago to the day there was a special conference on Somalia in London, during which I posted THE SOMALIA QUICKENING and IT'S SOMALIA TIME stating they were plotting war in Somalia.

The European Union has agreed to expand its mission against Somali pirates, by allowing military forces to attack land targets as well as those at sea.

In a two-year extension of its mission, EU defence ministers agreed warships could target boats and fuel dumps.

The BBC's security correspondent Frank Gardner says the move is a significant step-up in operations, but one that also risks escalation.

...The transitional government only controls the capital Mogadishu, while al-Shabab militants, who recently joined with al-Qaeda, hold large swathes of territory.

[source : Somalia pirates: EU approves attacks on land bases, BBC,, 23/03/2012]

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