
Monday, April 30, 2012



Britain seems to have expanded its role in South Sudan from an initially claimed humanitarian one to military sabotage along northern borders with Sudan amid fears that London is plotting another oil war.

The Foreign Office confirmed on Sunday that a British national has been arrested by Sudan’s security forces along its oil-rich Heglig border area with South Sudan.

Sudan’s army spokesman Colonel Sawarmi Khalid said the Briton was part of a team of four including Norwegian, South African and South Sudanese nationals who were equipped with military hardware and an armored vehicle.

...In that context, the revelation that Britain is operating military elements in the border area of South Sudan can at best suggest London is looking at the disputed Heglig oil fields as a rich opportunity for its oil industry.

But considering the fact that Sudan and South Sudan are on the brink of full-scale war over the oil fields, another scenario seems more likely.

Britain is plotting for long-term military presence in the resource-rich South Sudan under the pretext of helping it in the ‘war’ with the north.

That scenario, of course, will bring the mentioned opportunities for British oil businesses while providing a ripe market for British weapons as London tightens its grip on South Sudan’s huge natural resources.

[source : UK agents leading Sudan oil war plot, Press TV,, 30/04/2012]

This really is taking the limeade.

Seven nations in five years was the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11; Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Somalia.


They are currently desperately trying to start war on Syria, and getting more desperate by the minute.

They have been trying to start war on Iran for years, and if Syria falls then Iran will definitely be next. Hell, they may even just go for it and allow Nutternyahu to bomb Iran. Or even worse, get the USA to attack Iran.

In the last month or two there was a conference in London on Somalia, after which Britain declared that it now considers Somalia not Afghanistan as the focus of terrorism.

And now this arrest of what sounds like British Special Forces in Sudan, but the international nature of the arrested group implies they could be mercenaries, but if so then who are they working for?

Hague must make a statement on this and also on the presence and purpose of British Special Forces in and around Syria since 1st January 2011.

Are we stirring up trouble in foreign nations in order to declare R2P?


We now know for a fact that, despite denials at the time, British Special Forces were in Libya stirring up trouble to give the pretext for UN SCR 1973, which NATO promptly used as toilet paper and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed the very Libyan civilians they were supposed to be protecting, assassinating an ally in the war on terror Gaddafi, so now al Qaeda flags flutter in the North African breeze as extreme Islamists torture and execute black Libyans.

What was it that Daily Star source said about Syria?
"This is all going like Libya but this will be bigger and bloodier."

[source : SYRIA WILL BE BLOODIEST YET, The Daily Star,
, 01/01/2012]

And it is now highly likely that they are now shipping weapons from Libya into Syria via Lebanon following the seizure of a cargo ship with 150 tons of weapons sailing from Libya to Lebanon.
The US and NATO have some questions to answer about the massive weapons cargo seized by Lebanese intelligence officials, Franklin Lamb tells RT. He says they surely knew the shipment was on its way to Syrian rebels, but still turned a blind eye.

[source : Hide-and-ship: Did the US know Libyan weapons were en route to Syrian rebels?, Russia Today,, 30/04/2012]

Syria has been saying for months that weapons destined for the Syrian al Qaeda rebs are being smuggled into Syria via Lebanon.

PS Please note that the war on Lebanon in 2006 was by Israel and Israel alone, but some weapons were supplied by the USA. Why is this of great importance? Because the seven-nations-in-five-years plan is an extension of the A Clean Break written for the then and current PM of Israel Nutternyahu. A Clean Break was then developed into a global warmongering rampage in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses. Both of these were written by the same intersecting bunch of Zionist thugs who on and after 9/11 were in very, very, very influential positions in the Bush Administration, media and policy forming organisations.

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