
Saturday, April 28, 2012


The Conservative Middle East Council has very recently published a document which is being reported in the media today. Entitled Voices from Syria the document consists of quotes from interviews of civilians and members of the Free Syria Army who had escaped to Lebanon, with the warning that unless the Free Syria Army is not armed to the teeth and given outside help then Syria may fall to the Jihadis.

This has now become the rallying cry for war in Syria : unless we help the FSA then al Qaeda might get in!

But who is financing this al Qaeda terrorism? Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

One very scary and curious quote is this.
"Someone needs to kill Assad, they just need to kill him."

Well the terrorists are getting closer and closer to Assad. The in-your-face terrorism from the Qatar and Saudi funded Syrian al Qaeda rebs comprising car and suicide bombs is regularly now in Damascus having so far been generally confined to border towns and cities. Assassinations and terrorism were suggested in the leaked Stratfor email of a recent discussion at The Pentagon, with British and French officials present I must add.

I hope you can see what has happened and is happening. The Syrian al Qaeda rebs were first very covertly inserted into Syria and very quietly assisted to encourage a violent uprising so that the Libya model of R2P could be suggested. But Russia and China have seen through this and vetoed any military action. So now, with $100 million in their wallets, the Syrian al Qaeda rebs are creating havoc to break the ceaefire and their bloody adventures are now being reported in the mainstream media (because the alternative media has got it through to the general public that al Qaeda is there) that if we don't help the FSA then al Qaeda (financed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia at The Friends of Syrian Terrorirsts meeting with William Hague present) might get in.

Interestingly the two members of CMEC who went to Lebanon for this report were the CMEC Director Leo Docherty and Vice Chairman Adam Holloway MP. Both are ex-military. Holloway left the Grenadier Guards, then went into journalism and has reported from conflict zones, such as Sarajevo and Iraq, for the likes of CNN (i.e. CIA). While in the military Docherty studied Arabic and was in Iraq (military intelligence?).

And perhaps of even more interest is that Adam Holloway received a donation of £4000 from Qatar in 2010.

First, are you are going to get an unbiased version of events from members of the Free Syria Army? I doubt it.

Second, how do they know that the civilians they interviewed really were civilians?

After brief research on CMEC I came up with this.

From the CMEC website:
No establishment date but first trip to the Middle East was in April 2007.

But it took them well over FOUR years before their first formal publication, despite numerous trips overseas.

Their publications are:
First publication October 2011 (The Arab Spring: Implications for British Policy)
Second publication February 2012 (Egypt 2011: Revolution and Transition)
Third publication April 2012 (Voices from Syria)

You should note that despite the horror and barbarity of Operation Cast Lead CMEC have not produced a formal report on Gaza, like those listed above, even though CMEC (including Holloway) went to Gaza in February 2009 and after.

Reported donations to CMEC (from the Electoral Commission) are:
Ardeshir Naghshineh, £100,000, February 2008
Targetfollow Estates Limited (owned by Naghshineh), £7500, February 2008
Rouzbeth Pirouz, £9000, May 2008
Pierre Rolin, £18750, April 2009
Pierre Rolin, £18750, May 2009 (same one as above?)
Targetfellow Estates Ltd, £6500, July 2009
Pierre Rolin, £18,750, August 2009
Pierre Rolin, £3,250, August 2009
Bell Pottinger Communications, £17,900, August 2009
Mohammed Amin, £10,000, October 2009
David Rowland, £75,000, March 2010
David Rowland, £51,920, July2010
David Rowland, £25,000, October 2010
David Rowland, £25,000, March 2011
Hani Farsi, £25,000, June2011
CC Property Company Ltd, £17,076.51, November 2011
Rosette Merchant Bank LLP, £8,947, December 2011
Khaled Said, £12,500, March 2012

I think it is of great interest that David Rowland pumps over £175,000 into CMEC in the year March 2010 to March 2011. This was as the Arab Spring was being prepared in Langley and elsewhere, and instigated. Then as the Arab Spring is underway CMEC start to publish professional looking documents, with written contributions from academic and professional authors, but with some dodgy conclusions. For example, take this statement by Docherty in the Introduction from the first publication on The Arab Spring.
The NATO intervention in Libya looks set to be judged a remarkable success

And take this from the author on the chapter on Libya.
NATO’s aversion to ’shock and awe’ tactics, and the extreme accuracy of its urban bombing, means that Libyan infrastructure is in comparably good shape.

Hmm. Not sure about those.

The report on the Egypt Revolution recommends that the British government establish relations with The Muslim Brotherhood. But the MB is MI6!

And now we have this Voices From Syria, which is totally biased. It would appear that neither Docherty or Holloway interviewed the terrorists who openly admit to slitting the throats of and chopping the heads off civilians who support Assad. Nor has it addressed the smuggling of weapons from Lebanon into Syria for the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

Voices From Syria appears designed to play with your heart to support the idea of R2P without addressing THE fundamental questions : who are the Syrian al Qaeda rebs, where are they getting their money from, and how long have they been receiving support from NATO and Arab League Special Forces (and coming from military backgrounds I would have thought that particular question would be of great interest to Docherty and Holloway)?

With these questions absent and unaddressed I am very sceptical of the alleged neutrality of CMEC.

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