
Sunday, April 22, 2012


Now The Bilderberg Post is calling for Plan B for Syria, and that Plan B calls for establishing a "humanitarian corridor" inside Syria and an "assistance hub" inside Turkey that would be used to "assist" the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

The measures most likely to be effective in Syria remain near the bottom of the administration’s list. Ms. Clinton mentioned the possibility that Turkey, a NATO member, would invoke the alliance’s Article 4, which requires consultation when the territory or security of a member is threatened. Syrian forces have fired across the Turkish border, where thousands of refugees have gathered. Any resulting consultations should focus on proposals, floated by both Turkey and France, for the creation of a safe zone or humanitarian corridor on Syrian territory — a step that could be accomplished with a modest military force and could cause the regime to collapse.

Ms. Clinton also mentioned greater support for the opposition, including the creation with Turkey of an “assistance hub.” This would be useful, as promised supplies so far have mostly failed to reach opposition groups. Mr. Assad will fall only when his attacks are blocked and countered; it follows that U.S. policy should aim at that.

[source : Needed: Plan B for Syria, The Bilderberg Post,, 22/04/2012]

But what is perhaps more revealing is the phrase used in the title; Plan B.

For if a Plan B is now being proposed openly in such NWO publications as The Bilderberg Post then by implication there was a Plan A.

And if there was a Plan A then what exactly was it?

And who planned it?

And when?

And why?

And how will Plan B achieve the aims of the apparently failed Plan A?

If we look at the Plan B as proposed by the Bilderberg Post it is just the same as that proposed by Sarkozy and others, which would involve an invasion of a sovereign nation citing the Responsibility to Protect (al Qaeda, or R2PAQ).

I would argue that the task of implementing Plan A was given to a bunch of Zionutters in the 1990's. They wrote A Clean Break in 1996 for the then and current Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. The US Presidential election in 2000 was close but George W Bush won when Florida was first awarded to Al Gore but then mysteriously given to Bush. At the time Bush' brother Jeb was Governor of Florida. Jeb was also a founder of The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and was a signatory of the PNAC Statement of Principles, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz.

In September 2000 PNAC published a document entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses which called for the USA to go on a global warmongering rampage to assert its authority and impose US hegemony, but recognised the need for "a new Pearl Harbor" to persuade the general American public to support such bloody warmongering, morally, politically and financially. Iraq and Iran were named as targets. But both Iraq and Iran were also named in A Clean Break along with Lebanon and Syria.

On September 11th 2001 PNAC got its "new Pearl Harbor" when the USAF was mysteriously AWOL as allegedly some men hijacked some passenger planes and flew them around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly two hours before flying them into the WTC and even The Pentagon! At the time the Secretary of Defense was Donald Rumsfeld (PNAC) and his Deputy was Paul Wolfowitz (PNAC). Also on 9/11 Richard Perle(A Clean Break) was Chairman of the Defence Policy Board and advised Rumsfeld(PNAC) and Wolfowitz(PNAC) how to respond to 9/11 (as if they needed it). Other members of PNAC or members of AIPAC or JINSA or similar groups were in similar or very influential positions and able to influence public and government reaction to 9/11.

Immediately al Qaeda was blamed, but so was Iraq.

At the time the leader of al Qaeda was Osama bin Laden, who was suffering from Marfan's Syndrome and also required regular kidney dialysis. Several times before 9/11 governments such as Sudan had offered bin Laden to the USA but the offer was refused. At the time of 9/11 bin Laden was allegedly living in Afghanistan so a coalition of the willing invaded Afghanistan to get bin Laden. Somehow bin Laden and his kidney dialysis machine escaped along with hundreds of al Qaeda and Taliban, but opium production was quickly restored back to record levels.

But then the fun really began.

Iraq was accused of colluding with al Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks. Iraq was also accused of having WMDs. So Iraq was invaded in 2003. No WMDs of any significance have ever been found. The fact that Rumsfeld had helped sell WMD to Saddam in the 1980's which Saddam was encouraged and to use and was helped in doing so by the USA was barely reported.

Next was Lebanon. In February 2005 the then Prime Minister of Lebanon was assassinated when his car blew up. A Special Tribunal for Lebanon was established. Syria was blamed for the assassination, and a Cedar Revolution forced Syria to withdraw from Lebanon. A year later in 2006 Israel bombed Lebanon in a war with Hezbollah.

After that there were several attempts to either overthrow the government of Iran or start war on Iran. Israel has for years accused Iran of being just days away from manufacturing a nuclear weapon. Iran was given civil nuclear power technology by the USA in the Atoms for Peace Program, but the level of enrichment required for military purposes is very much greater and much harder to achieve than that required for civil nuclear power. A Green Revolution was started in 2009, but failed to overthrow the Iranian government, but that didn't stop the threats to overtly support the revolution. Since then the likes of Henry Kissinger and George Soros have maintained that Iran will suffer a bloody revolution during these Arab Uprisings. But how much longer can this Arab Spring of 2011 go on for?

But are you beginning to see a pattern?

Iraq. Iran. Lebanon.

All three named in A Clean Break. Iraq and Iran also named in Rebuilding America's Defenses.

But it gets worse.

General Wesley Clark has revealed in his books, and in speeches and interviews that are available on You Tube, that shortly after 9/11 he was told by a Joint Staff officer that The Pentagon was planning for war on Iraq. This was when no evidence could be found or manufactured to implicate Iraq. But to assist in the frame up of Iraq the Office of Special Plans was created by Paul Wolfowitz(PNAC) and Douglas Feith(A Clean Break) to cherry pick evidence and present totally biased "proof" to Dick Cheney(PNAC) that Iraq was complicit in 9/11 and in terror in general.

But six weeks after being told of this plan to attack Iraq Clark was told that the plan had been expanded to include seven nations in five years. Those seven nations were;

Iran has always been in the crosshairs, constantly accused of developing a nuclear weapon.

But last year there was a war on Libya. British Special Forces and the special forces of other nations, members of NATO and the Arab League, had encouraged and trained a gang of al Qaeda thugs in the east of Libya to start an uprising. UN SCR 1973 authorised NATO to protect civilians during the civil war that the BSF-trained al Qaeda thugs had started, but within days the assassination of Gaddafi was openly discussed as the only solution. What was proposed would only take days to achieve took six months or so, and required lots of media lies, such as Gaddafi troops were high on Viagra and raping civilians, to maintain public support for the failing war. But it all ended after NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed a clear and unobstructed path for the Libyan al Qaeda rebs all the way into central Tripoli, killing tens of thousands of the very civilians they were supposed to protect, so that "someone" could assassinate Gaddafi. And now al Qaeda flags flutter in the North African breeze as al Qaeda thugs torture and summarily execute Black Libyans. Have you ever wondered what has happened to Libya since we "liberated" it? If post-Gaddafi Libya is such a success surely it would be headline news day after day after day?

But Clark also recalled a brief conversation in 1991 with Paul Wolfowitz(PNAC), when Wolfowitz was Number 3 in The Pentagon, in which Wolfowitz lamented the fact that Saddam had been left in power after Desert Storm, and stated that the USA had "5 to 10 years to clean up those old soviet regimes, Syria, Iran, Iraq, before the next great super power comes on to challenge us".

This was in 1991. A Clean Break was written in 1996. PNAC was created in 1998. PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses was written in 2000 crying out for "a new Pearl Harbor" to go on a global warmongering rampage.

Then BOOM! 11th September 2001!

And so began the bloody warmongering rampage.

Currently Syria.
Somalia is increasingly being mentioned.
Iran has been for ever and a day.

And all the while our freedoms are being reduced and taken away.

To help cover up the inside job of 9/11 none other than Henry Kissinger was proposed to investigate. But to America's credit Kissinger was booed off the stage as the evil character in a pantomime. The committee that was eventually created to investigate 9/11 had a very limited budget and was denied massive amounts of requests for documentation. Several members of that committee has since stated publicly that 9/11 is being covered up.

But this warmongering started under Bush and the so-called Right Wing of Amercian politics. Yet the warmongering is continuing under Obama and the so-called Left Wing of American politics. This would imply to me that this series of wars is not partisan, but has something more to it, possibly passed down from upon high to the likes of Bush and Obama to implement.

Perhaps this series of wars is part of a much longer range plan, for three world wars, to eventually create a global fascist dictatorship?

The first world war established a world government and stole Palestine for the Zionists, but the world government failed because the USA voted to stay out of it.

The second world war lasted for longer and was more bloody and violent than the first and did manage to persuade the USA to not only join but house the world government, the UN. The engineered Holocaust also persuaded a sceptical world Jewry to occupy and colonise Palestine.

Now, with the UN assuming more and more power, and after decades of Israeli brutality driving many Muslims to join the Jihad, particularly after hearing the likes of Abu Qatada at Finsbury Park Mosque in Londonistan, the USA is on a bloody warmongering rampage in the Middle East after some of those Jihadi muslims allegedly hijacked some passenger planes and flew them into the WTC and Pentagon while the USAF was mysteriously AWOL which gave a bunch of Zionutters the "new Pearl Harbor" they had dreamed of.

All this satisfies the alleged Plan A of a Freemasonic Sicko Albert Pike for a third world war between Zionism and Islam which would drag in the rest of the world and leave the survivors so weak and terrified that they would be unable to resist the imposition of a world tyranny. Add to that the chaos caused by a global financial crisis and the survivors will not only be unable to resist they will be demanding a world tyranny.

Ordo ab chao.

Order from chaos.

It is good news that Plan A for Syria, what ever it was, has failed, and they are openly declaring that there is to be a Plan B ,which is more obvious to the general public.

But Plan B also has its dangers.

And that is the point.

More should question the sanity of establishing a "humanitarian corridor" on Syrian soil. I mean, why not on Turkish soil? Why not simply increase the size and facilities of the refugee camps in Turkey? Because the point of the "humanitarian corridor" is to start war, to provoke Syria into attacking it, particularly if Syrian al Qaeda rebs continue their attacks (which they can now afford with $100 million from Qatar and Saudi Arabia in their wallets) and find sanctuary in the "humanitarian corridor".

One nation (Iraq) could be anything.
A second (Lebanon) could just be coincidence.
A third (Libya) is conspiracy.
A fourth (Syria) is mugging us off and taking the limeade.

And it all needed the highly suspicious and uninvestigated crime of 9/11 to enable it all.

9/11 was an inside job.

And you know it.

You are just to scared to admit it for fear of the implication it has.

That the world is run by a cabal of fraudulent genocidal warmongering kiddie-fiddling eugenicist megalomaniac satanist scum.

And that's just for starters.

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