
Monday, April 23, 2012


At the IMF meeting last week George Osborne, aka Captain Oik, gave the IMF £10 billion.

That money is going to save the Euro, we are told, and we need to save the Euro because a stable Euro is good for British business.

Oh really, George?

How much has Europe had so far? All the 1% interest rate 'loans' from the ECB that zombie banks are supposed to use to buy up European bonds with 5%, 6%, 20% return? A half trillion? More? The nations selling the bonds are supposed to implement savage austerity to pay the 5%, 6%, 20% return.

Well it is much much worse than we are being told.

Only last week the IMF said that Europe would need nearly $4 trillion, repeat trillion, by the end of next year.

But a LPAC source has told them that Europe will now need $9 trillion, and this year.




And Captain Oik and the rest of the Bilderberg globalist ministers and crew at the IMF think that donating another few billion here and a few billion there will save Europe?

A senior finance ministry official attending the ongoing IMF-World Bank annual spring meeting in Washington has reported that the IMF's annual survey, which warned of a 3.8 trillion dollar hole in the European banking system, was rewritten to vastly understate the actual magnitude of the blowout. An earlier draft report, seen by the source, painted a much worse picture of the non-performing debt on the books of the big European banks. The actual IMF estimate is that at least 7 trillion euro (over $9 trillion) will be needed to bail out the private European banks this year.

[source : Even In Bleak Annual Survey, IMF Doctored the Data, LPAC,, 22/04/2012]

If this source knows the real situation then does Osborne know?

And if so then why is he giving the IMF £10 billion, when it is now being reported that government departments are being asked to slash a further 5% from their budgets?

Ministers have been ordered to prepare up to £16billion of further spending cuts amid warnings that it could take years to get the economy back on track.

The plans emerged as former Chancellor Ken Clarke yesterday warned it would take ‘long hard work’ before the economy returns to normal.

...In a speech today, Mr Alexander will reveal he is ordering his colleagues to set aside 5 per cent of their budgets as a mini-reserve.

[source : Find another £16billion in cuts, ministers are ordered amid warning it could take years to get economy back on track, The Daily Mail,, 23/04/2012]

This just means more austerity, more misery, more joblessness, more homelessness in this DFK.

But does the IMF want the Euro to fail?

Well, since the crisis began the IMF has been given a bit more power to monitor the fiscal policies of sovereign nation states, but cannot tell them exactly what to do, only advise them. But I am reminded of that report in The Bilderberg Post a few years ago when the IMF said it was preparing for the time in the not too distant future when it would manage the global economy. At the time it was more of an observer.

Surrounded by blond wood paneling and a digital screen the size of a cinema's, central bankers and finance ministers would meet to convene a financial security council of sorts. Serving almost as ambassadors to the IMF, they would debate ways to put out the world's economic fires and stifle reckless policies before they ignite new ones.

Bowing to a new economic world order, the IMF would grant fresh powers to the likes of China, India and Brazil. It would have vastly expanded authority to act as a global banker to governments rich and poor. And with more flexibility to effectively print its own money, it would have the ability to inject liquidity into global markets in a way once limited to major central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve.

...But the IMF is all but certain to take a central role in managing the world economy. As a result, Washington is poised to become the power center for global financial policy, much as the United Nations has long made New York the world center for diplomacy.

The IMF's mission is expanding so broadly that its managing director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, said in an interview that the organization -- which underwent deep cuts last year before the financial crisis swept the globe -- may boost staffing in coming months, potentially creating dozens of high-paying jobs in the District.

[source : A Bigger, Bolder Role Is Imagined For the IMF, The Washington Post,, 20/04/2012]

The word to look at very closely there is "managing". Managing is not the same as merely observing.

With the recent panic the IMF has been given more power to observe, but not manage.

If the Euro is allowed to blow up even further to cause even more of a panic then guess who the likes of Osborne and all the other Bilderberg traitors will demand be given the power to "manage" the global economy to stop such panics manifesting in the future? Yep! The IMF.

The International Mafia Federation.

The International Mutha Fuc*az.

But add this panic to the panic caused by a nuclear war between Russia/China and the USA over Syria and/or Iran then a lot of people will be demanding a world government dictatorship to stop all the chaos.

Osborne must go now.

He must surely know this real situation regarding Europe needing $9 TRILLION, and this year.

And if he knows this real situation regarding Europe and is giving the IMF £10 billion, who will undoubtedly use it for Europe, then it is simply pouring money down the drain and plunging this DFK into even more needless fascist austerity.

And if he doesn't know then he soon will, and when he does will he withhold that £10 billion, and demand the return of all other donations from this DFK?

We have been put into an awful and dangerous situation by the Bilderberg traitors, but we can get out of it.

We can stop the warmongering in the Middle East and thoroughly investigate 9/11 which enabled all the warmongering.

We can ban all financial deriviatives immediately.

We can prosecute the bankers and lock them up for a very, very long time.

We can create money out of thin air ourselves, just like the bankers have been doing for centuries, but instead of using that God-like power for selfish purposes, like the bankers have done, we can use that power and money to rebuild broken Britain into a sovereign nation we can be proud of passing on to future generations, not beholden to globalist think tanks or a bullying world government imposing fascism on us to enrich a cabal of fraudulent genocidal warmongering kiddie-fiddling eugenicist megalomaniac satanist scum.

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