
Sunday, May 27, 2012


The Friends of Syrian Terrorists have already made their minds up. The fix is in. To them it was the Syrian government what dunnit.

Hasty Hague has summoned not only the demons of darkness in his relentless blooodthirsty pursuit of ousting Assad. He has also summoned the Syrian chargé d'affaires to the FCO tomorrow.

But who did Houla?

At the moment we do not know for sure.

I am 100% sure that vicious Sunni al Qaeda NATO death squads killed everyone who was found dead with knife wounds or was shot at close range. I am not ruling out the possibility that some died by shelling, but then some sick Sunni al Qaeda NATO-backed bastards could be making the situation look much worse than it was by killing a few families either by slitting their throats or execution by bullet.

But the main man on the ground has yet to accuse anybody!

Major General Robert Mood, head of the UN team in Syria, described the attack, which began at midday on Friday, as "indiscriminate and unforgivable" but did not say who had been to blame.
[source : Syria faces condemnation after dozens of children killed, The Guardian,, 27/05/2012]

Mood fell short of blaming either side, but warned of civil war.

Maj. General Robert Mood, Head of UN Monitoring Mission in Syria, said, "I urge the government to cease all use of violence in all its forms. I urge the armed opposition to refrain from all violence in all its forms. This is exactly what we need to stop to bring the situation forward on a political solution, on a political track."
[source : UN strongly condemns Houla massacre in Syria, CNTV,, 27/05/2012]

But perhaps the UN itself is complicit in this massacre?

Recall that very recent photograph of al Qaeda and the UN in Syria?

As you read the following extract from a BBC report, look at that photograph.
Activists have complained that they called for help as the massacre was taking place.

Abu Emad, speaking from Houla, said their appeals to UN monitors failed to produce action.

"We told them at night, we called seven of them. We told them the massacre is being committed right now at Houla by the mercenaries of this regime and they just refused to come and stop the massacre," he said.
[source : Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows, BBC,, 27/05/2012]

So perhaps the Syrian military did Houla, but the UN allowed it?

I doubt it.

Instead I see a very, very dark development manifesting.

Is it possible that some shelling did occur, that some civilians did die, but then al Qaeda death squads went in to massacre a few families, by cutting their throats and execution by bullet, to blame it on the Syrian government and make it look very much worse, and the UN allowed the massacre?

We have to start thinking outside the box, and not take stuff at face value.

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