
Sunday, May 27, 2012


For whatever reason, The Independent is the media organisation that has been chosen to milk the alleged massacre in Houla, and one journalist in particular Patrick Cockburn is milking it for all it is worth, with two articles in The Independent on Sunday.

Cockburn wrote a hit piece on the 9/11 truth movement a few years ago. He married into the Montefiore family.

In his hit piece on the 9/11 truth movement, Cockburn claims to be the only person on the planet who still thinks that Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person to shoot JFK.
Anyone who ever looked at the JFK assassination will know that there are endless anomalies and loose ends. Eyewitness testimony is conflicting, forensic evidence possibly misconstrued, mishandled or just missing. But in my view, the Warren Commission, as confirmed in almost all essentials by the House Committee on Assassinations in the late 1970s, had it right and Oswald fired the fatal shots from the Schoolbook Depository. The evidentiary chain for his guilt is persuasive, and the cumulative scenarios of the conspiracists entirely unconvincing. But of course–as the years roll by, and even though no death bed confession has ever buttressed those vast, CIA-related scenarios — the conspiracists keep on toiling away, their obsessions as unflagging as ever.
[source : The Age of Irrationality : The 9/11 Conspiracists and the Decline of the Anmerican Left, CounterPunch,, 28/11/2006]

But the aim of the hit piece was 9/11 truth. He mocks conspiracy theorists of 9/11 by asking, could Bush really plan and execute 9/11?, as if that is the only argument for a conspiracy on that murdered September day.

But Cockburn goes one step further, as we all should.
What is the goal of the 9/11 conspiracists? They ask questions, yes, but they never answer them. They never put forward an overall scenario of the alleged conspiracy. They say that’s not up to them. So who is it up to? Who do they expect to answer their questions? When answers are put forward, they are dismissed as fabrications or they simply rebound with another question.

And here is where Cockburn has a lotta eggy weggy on his face.

I have an answer.

Bush did not plan 9/11. Cheney may have known something was going down. Rumsfeld too. But the main purpose of 9/11 was to start a WW3 between the USA on one side and Russia and China on the other, with the cause of the war an engineered conflict between Islam and Zionism, and this WW3 being the third in a three-world-war plan attributed to a Freemasonic sicko Albert Pike.

Cockburn does not address the A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses documents, that they were written by the same bunch of Zionists, who on 9/11 were in very, very powerful positions and able to influence if not direct any response to the attacks. But Cockburn's hit piece was published in 2006. The following year General Wesley Clark began to expose how a plan for war on seven nations in five years was revealed to him by a source in The Pentagon. It is now painfully obvious that that plan is being implemented, and that that plan is an extension of the plans laid out in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses, and that those two bloodsoaked documents were written by the same bunch of Zionists around Benjamin Netanyahu.

And in The Redirection, Seymour Hersh revealed in 2007 that that plan was stalling, so a pact was made between the USA, Israel and the Sunni Absolute Monarchies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar that they would unleash hell by setting their vicious Sunni terrorists onto Shia governments. Nasrallah of Hezbollah saw this coming.

And it is becoming more obvious that a war on Russia is the goal, with the NATO missile defence shield system, said to be against Iran which has no ICBMs, gradually surrounding Russia by stealth.

I have found both Cockburn and Fisk at The Independent to be very disappointing, to say the least, in their journalism on this warmongering in the Middle East.

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