
Saturday, May 12, 2012


If you want to have a much better understanding of The Arab Spring and the violence in the Middle East then you must read the article by Seymour Hersh entitled The Redirection that has been reported by Tony Cartalucci.
A 2007 New Yorker article written by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh revealed a plan under the Bush Administration to organize, arm, train, and deploy a regional army of Sunni terrorists, many with ties directly to Al Qaeda, in a bid to destabilize and overthrow both Syria and Iran. The plan consisted of US and Israeli backing, covertly funneled through Saudi proxies to conceal Washington and Tel Aviv’s role, in building the Sunni extremist front.

[source : Sunni Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007, Prison Planet,, 11/05/2012]

The Hersh article was published in 2007, and details agreements that had been reached to create a violent Sunni Muslim movement to undermine Syria, Iran and Hezbollah. According to Hersh there were at least four agreements, and the four Hersh reports are
First, Israel would be assured that its security was paramount and that Washington and Saudi Arabia and other Sunni states shared its concern about Iran.

Second, the Saudis would urge Hamas, the Islamist Palestinian party that has received support from Iran, to curtail its anti-Israeli aggression and to begin serious talks about sharing leadership with Fatah, the more secular Palestinian group.

The third component was that the Bush Administration would work directly with Sunni nations to counteract Shiite ascendance in the region.

Fourth, the Saudi government, with Washington’s approval, would provide funds and logistical aid to weaken the government of President Bashir Assad, of Syria.

[source : The Redirection, The New Yorker,, 05/03/2007]

All this has come to pass, most notably the fourth point, which has been achieved by the Friends of Syrian Terrorists meetings at which The Utopian Democracy of Saudi Arabia and Qatar pledged $100 million to blow up and snipe at Syrian children. William Hague also coughed up to provide 'nonlethal' assistance to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs, though what Hague's definition of 'nonlethal' is is unknown. I wonder if Hague's definition of 'nonlethal' is 'as long as it doesn't kill him or his masters but kills innocent Syrian men, women and children then it's OK'? Vests and radios may not kill but can be used in operations that do kill.

The rise of The Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists in North Africa, in particular in Egypt, is of great significance. It shows that The Arab Spring is a complete fraud. During the Egyptian Revolution last year the two main mouthpieces of the Anglo-American Establishment, The FT and The Bilderberg Post, portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as reformed, cute and cuddly, and wouldn't hurt a fly. But at the same time the MB leadership was issuing calls for war on Israel, calls that were not reported in the NATO media. In particular the Rand Corporation, who (more than) coincidentally demand a WW3, produced a report in support of the MB. As Egypt begins to create a new form of government, the MB and their ilk are openly stating that the peace agreements with Israel are now null and void.

The article by Hersh suggests that Israel is complicit in all this.

I would warn Israel that it has been caught in a trap.

Just like the British enticed Germany to invade Belgium on their way to Paris after their Freemasonic dupes assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand, promising to Germany that they would stay out of any war on the European continent but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium the British cited an obscure treaty they had with Belgium which was not binding and declared war on Germany. As a result of this the conditions were created in Russia such that Lenin could be sent in from Germany with a train full of Rothschild Gold, and Trotsky could be sent in from New York to overthrow the Tsar, and the first attempt at world government was made. Out of the ruins rose Hitler and Stalin.

Just like Wall Street and The City of London assisted the rise of both Hitler and Stalin, who had extreme opposing politics, such that a major war between them was inevitable. Such a war was required to persuade the world, the USA in particular, that a world government was the answer to all the world's problems. Both Hitler and Stalin trusted their benefactors. Hitler wanted to join with Great Britain to defeat Bolshevism and received finance for his eugenics and racial hygiene programs from Wall Street. Stalin was built through Lend-Lease and at the end of WW2 was given the bomb to create global tension and The Cold War.

Just like now, Israel is playing a very, very, very dangerous game here trusting this operation of Redirection. If this plan achieves its aims then Israel will be surrounded by extreme Islamists. But who do these violent beheading Sunni extremists hate more? Shiites? Or The Jews?

As Hersh quotes Vali Nasr
“The Saudis have considerable financial means, and have deep relations with the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis”—Sunni extremists who view Shiites as apostates. “The last time Iran was a threat, the Saudis were able to mobilize the worst kinds of Islamic radicals. Once you get them out of the box, you can’t put them back.

Zionists have been instrumental in this drive to war in the Middle East. They wrote A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses, calling for war on Iraq, Iran and other neighbouring nation states. This morphed into the war-on-seven-nations-in-five-years plan revealed to General Wesley Clark while Zionists openly ruled the USA, and it is painfully obvious that this plan is still being implemented through Obama, with wars on Iraq, Lebanon and Libysa under the belt, and now with threats of Turkey citing Article 5 of The Washington Treaty to circumvent the UN and allow NATO to start war on Syria.

And it should be painfully obvious that war on Russia and China is the real aim of the inside job 9/11 and of all this warmongering in the Middle East. NATO is really taking the limeade with its excuses over the missile defence shield. And the encirclement of China in the Pacific and South Asia seas has only one aim.

This all fits in with the theory that they are well behind in their plans to start WW3 after doing the inside job 9/11, and they are becoming increasingly desperate, now prepared to risk openly allying with al Qaeda while citing al Qaeda as the reason to take all our freedoms. This is why they are trying to use the recent terrorism in Syria as an excuse to invade Syria, claiming that al Qaeda might take over if we don't invade.


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