
Friday, May 11, 2012


What happened that should not have happened?

Or alternatively, what has not happened that should have happened?

Modern banking is gambling. So if you can rig the market and make it look like 'freedom' then you are onto winning a fortune.

And that's why there is the murky interface of government intelligence operations and international finance.

Events are made to occur that particular banks gambled on occuring. Or alternatively, an event that other banks gambled on occuring does not occur.

Modern banking is gambling.

And when the banks win, they win.

But when they lose they dump their gambling debts on us claiming that they are Too Big Too Fail.

JP Morgan Chase has surprised the world by admitting to a loss of $2 billion in just the last six weeks.
JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, said yesterday that it lost $2 billion in the past six weeks in a trading portfolio designed to hedge against risks the company takes with its own money.

[source : JPMorgan acknowledges $2bn trading loss, The Independent,, 11/05/2012]

JPMC profited handsomely and grew stronger from the current crisis, as this paragraph from the same article states.
The trading loss is an embarrassment for a bank that came through the 2008 financial crisis in much better health than its peers. It kept clear of risky investments that hurt many other banks.

Most people, like the sad example of the typical stupid greedy banker I brought to your attention yesterday, and very much like the regulators of The City to whom I have written to expose this global financial fraud, still scratch their heads and wonder why it is always particular banks that always seem to come out on top. JPMC, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank are three of those special banks.

But why are these banks so special?

In a word, Bilderberg.

It is at Bilderberg where the big decisions are made. Wars. Financial crashes. Laws. Attendees are given a check list of actions "to do" to advance the Bilderberg agenda. They work for themselves, not for sovereign nations, but hide behind patriotism like the scoundrels they are so they can use the military and police and courts as their own, but we pay for it.

So it was at Bilderberg that the decision to inflate a huge credit bubble based on property was taken and then burst it. Credit ratings agencies rated garbage as AAA. Some banks and investments firms bought the junk thinking it was AAA. Some banks, like JPMC didn't. As a consequence of one Bilderberger Paulson inexplicably allowing Lehman to crash when he could have easily saved it, a financial crash developed. Some banks were allowed to fail. Other banks, these special Bilderberg banks, were bailed out by some of their own, Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke. This is why JPMC grew stronger. It has nothing to do with financial wizardry and expertise, and everything to do with naked criminality.

JPMC is the bank of David Rockefeller. And Bilderberg is the forum which David Rockefeller created, runs and advances the agenda of the globalists, of which he is very proud, having stated so in his Memoirs.

He and his ilk run things. From wars to drug smuggling to terrorism.

So when I read that JPMC had lost $2 billion in just 6 weeks, I suspect that something should have happened that did not happen.

It is possibly related to oil. It is straightforward for Bilderberg to ramp up the threats of war in the Middle East and then calm them down, thus affecting the price of oil, the price of which can be gambled on through derivatives. JPMC is usually at the top of the list for derivatives exposure.

So, has the Rockefeller Empire lost its grip?

Can David Rockefeller not get things done anymore?

Are the minions deserting the empire, seeing the writing on the wall?

Or are they just a bunch of amateurs now?

They wanted war on Iran years ago. They did the inside job 9/11 for that purpose. Seven nations in five years was the plan. But despite all the fearmongering and lies, that war on Iran has still not happened. It took NATO 7 months to defeat little old Gadaffi, and in the process exposing themselves for the pure criminals that they are, by bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing and bombing to death the very citizens they were claiming to protect through R2P, which was actually R2PAQ.

And now their troublemaking in Syria, that has been ongoing for well over a year, is failing so badly and so publicly that it is embarrasing. Hence their increasing desperation in using al Qaeda so openly in Syria, but now spinning the manipulation, warning that unless we invade Syria then al Qaeda might takeover. This has become the mantra for a few weeks now, and is repeated again in today's Editorial in The Bilderberg Post.
Three nascent or foreseeable developments stand out.

...A second danger is that al-Qaeda and other Sunni extremist movements will take advantage of the chaos. As The Post’s Liz Sly recently reported, jihadists have flowed into Syria from Iraq and Jordan, and operatives linked to al-Qaeda are believed to have carried out a series of bombings in the last five months. A double-suicide bombing in Damascus on Thursday was the worst yet.

[source : A shameful impasse on Syria, The Washington Post,, 11/05/2012]

The simple facts are these.

They did the insidejob 9/11 to start WW3. Israel was created for that purpose. They timed the current financial crash to occur at the same time as a terrible war with Russia and China in the Middle East due to Israel. The idea, like in WW1 and WW2, was to create so much chaos and destruction that we would beg for a world government dictatorship to stop the chaos.

But I look out of my window, and guess what? I do not see chaos.

What do I see instead?

I see anger at the austerity caused by bailing out the banks, and people venting that anger.

I see a mass awakening of a human race that has for too long been dumbed down with drugs, junk food, polluted water and mindless and/or escapist TV and sport.

They are in big, big trouble.

They are way behind schedule.

And this latest loss of $2 billion by their flagship bank JPMC indicates that they have lost it.

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