
Thursday, May 10, 2012


I have just read an interview with a 'banker' that has been published in The Guardian today. The article containing the interview is entitled "Derivatives trader: 'The trouble is, regulators are idiots'". The interviewee is described as possibly a director, in his early 30s and is the son of south-east Asian immigrants.

His job is trading in derivatives.

I think that what this banker basically says is
1. he went in it for the money, the cars and the girls
2. his life is now meaningless
3. despite working in this sector for approximately 10 years he still thinks the system is not rigged, despite his statement that he believes that life is not fair
4. and despite stating that life is not fair he does not know why life is not fair
5. he loves Goldman Sachs
6. the system has a very short term view

This statement says it all really.
"A thing that struck me going over the comments on your blog is that people seem to think all of us saw the crisis coming. But apart from Goldman and maybe Deutsche Bank, nobody expected this. I am also angry about the crisis. When I think of the CEO of some Wall Street bank that went bust, and he still has his $400m … I mean, I owned shares in some of these banks, and they've gone to zero."

This statement says it all because it shows
1. his complete lack of knowledge of who runs the system. The two banks he mentions, Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank, are Bilderberg banks.
2. his anger is due to his portfolio going down, not because of the social effects that the engineered crisis is having.

And as for this
"Banking is very honest"


But some credit is due. He has this to say about Glass-Steagall.
"The repeal of the Glass-Stiegel Act allowed investment and retail banks to merge – that was a mistake in my view."

But he immediately follows that with this Loser statement (Loser with a big L on his forehead).
The Too Big To Fail banks have become even bigger. These banks will always find a way through. What so many people fail to grasp: banks are subject to the same discipline of quarterly earnings reports as the rest of the corporate world."

This guy just hasn't got a clue and appears to have no remorse about how the banker class have abused the God-like power to create money out of thin air and now create quadrillions in derivatives and sign their debts over to us!

I have this to say about this Loser.

It is our world, not theirs. We now make the rules, not them. And when we shove the top bastards in jail with Josef Fritzl I've a good mind to shove this dickhead in with them.

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