
Saturday, June 30, 2012


Mohammed Mursi gave his first speech since his inauguration today. Three foreign policy aspects of his speech are bold but confusing.

He said Egypt would respect current international treaties, but the MB want to kill all the Jews.

He also said he would work to stop the violence in Syria, yet the MB is one of the most violent factions of the Syrian rebels.

But he also said,
“I declare from here that Egypt -- the people, the nation, the government and the presidency -- stands by the Palestinian people until they get all their legitimate rights,”
[source : Mursi Vows to Support Palestinians, Respect Existing Treaties, Bloomberg,, 30/06/2012]

How these will be implemented is yet to be seen. But if Mursi does decide to reduce the participation of the MB in Syria then this could be a huge signal that he wants to unite Islam and concentrate on Palestine.

As I said; bold but confusing.

Well. He is a politician.

But a Muslim Brother politician.

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