
Sunday, July 01, 2012


There is great outrage in the media today about not just Barclays but the banking and financial system as a whole. It will take some great political skill for Cameron and Osborne to limit the damage to The City of London and its powers. Most if not all commentators call for a radical overhaul of the City of London and the purpose of the banking and financial system. In particular Will Hutton writing in The Guardian expresses his outrage and solutions very powerfully.
A rotten culture does not emerge from thin air. It emerges from structures that encourage rotten behaviour – and Britain, following the false gods that free markets and financial services were its economic future, created such structures big time, cheered along by a cross-party alliance that extended from Boris Johnson to Gordon Brown. Now is a decisive moment for both the City and the economy. The City's reputation is at rock bottom. Meanwhile the economy acutely needs a financial system that backs wealth-generating innovation. We need a determined root and branch reform of British finance to restore international trust, develop the national economy and to bring an end to the mis-selling scandals.

...Britain needs to rebalance and develop its economy – and it needs to start by reforming finance. This could be the moment the process begins, laying the basis for a remoralisation of our economy and a new industrial revolution. But it means confronting the biggest lobby of them all – big finance. Any takers?
[source : Let's end this rotten culture that only rewards rogues, The Guardian,, 30/06/2012]

But nobody is asking the question, why does The City of London not care about Great Britain?

The answer is because The City of London is not British. Though based in the capital London, The City of London is not only legally distinct from Great Britain, its roots are not British, and these two facts are not independent.

The City of London is Venetian. Before that it was Rome. Before that Babylon. They are the same families, the same bloodlines.

The City of London began to grow into the power it is today when the financiers and bankers of Venice decided to move to London shortly after the League of Cambrai nearly destroyed Venice. Henry VIII had shown some support for the Venetians during that time, so the Venetians corrupted Henry VIII, caused the split with Rome and resettled here. They then engineered the Civil War to take total control of the nation, and installed a puppet monarchy that created The Bank of England which created money out of nothing. However, the Bank of England was not the bank of England, it was privately owned and only named so to give the impression that it was the bank of England. The Venetians brought with them Freemasonry and slavery. That is why the home of universal Freemasonry is in London and why we grew to become the greatest slave trading nation on earth. To trade in slaves shows a complete disregard for humanity. That complete disregard for humanity still exists today in The City of London and today manifests as financial derivatives and infinite rehypothecation, to give just two examples.

These bankers and financiers think they own the earth and that this planet and all its resources, including the human race, are theirs and should serve them. A month ago a load of documents regarding the Bilderberg meeting in 1966 were given to Alex Jones of Infowars. Among them was a speech by David Rockefeller in 1965 which ends with this.
What we are is God's gift to man;
What we become is man's gift to God.

This shows the kind of thinking and arrogance these people have. For those who do not know, Rockefeller is the power behind Bilderberg and JP Morgan Chase.

These bankers and financiers created Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia and Communist China. They created first The League of Nations and then The United Nations as de facto world governments. They are trying to establish a total world government through this financial crisis that they engineered. They are also trying to establish a total world government using the climate, having created the green movement and The Club of Rome to push that idea.

But how are they able to finance all this?


With that kind of power they can buy the earth.

And they have...including you.

I posted this a few days ago and will never tire of posting it again and again and again, because it sums up what has been occuring and how to stop it from occuring and make this world a happier place.
"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take away from them the power to create money and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money."
[Lord Josiah Stamp]

You can tweak the system here, tweak the system there, 'ring fence', regulate, etc. But leave these bastards with the power to create money out of nothing and they will continue their plots and schemes and conspiracies against the British people, and all the people of the world, to eventually own and control the whole world.

They must not be allowed to keep the power to create money out of nothing. All our current troubles and crises exist because we gave this cabal of fascist, satanist, warmongering, kiddie-fiddling megalomaniacs that power, and they have used and abused that power for their own diabolical purposes. Such power should only be in the hands of a democratically elected government who should use that power to build a society that serves the people and a society the people can be proud of.

Take the power to create money out of nothing from these 'rogues', as Hutton calls them. That is the bare minimum that should be done. Anything less is virtual suicide.

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