
Monday, June 25, 2012


Dodgy Dave is really starting to show his true blue blood and colours.
David Cameron will on Monday launch a scathing attack on what he calls the "culture of entitlement" in the welfare system, as he warns that claimants with three or more children may start to lose access to benefits, and almost everyone aged under 25 will lose housing benefit.
[source : Cameron announces Tory plan to slash benefits, The Guardian,, 25/06/2012]

We are suffering austerity because we unnecessarily bailed out the fascist gambling banks, who used the hard earned savings of ordinary muggins British taxpayers as collateral and engaged in some very questionable business practices of lending to anyone regardless of ability to repay.

There was some reaction to this austerity last summer when riots erupted in large cities across the UK. During these riots some people took advantage and engaged in some really serious criminal activity, such as stealing a bottle of water. This is the kind of hardened, dangerous criminal who needs to be locked up for a long time for a big dollop of porridge, so that he or she can think long and hard about what he or she did to society. Stealing a bottle of water is one of the most heinous, despicable, dangerous crimes that one human being can commit against another, and offenders need to be dealt with accordingly.

Thankfully the justice system was on the case and the offender was banged up for a year...just for stealing a bottle of water.

Meanwhile, as the UK suffers years of austerity, with many innocent muggins British taxpayers losing their homes, jobs, families as a result, not one banker is even prosecuted.

And meanwhile paedos are given a slap on the wrist for having hundreds of sick photos of children.

Our banks, and by that I mean those recognised as based in the UK, some run by Knights of the Realm, were bailed out not just by the British government but by the USA too. And not just with a billion here and a billion there, but with tens if not hundreds of billions...EACH!

Needless to say the bankers got their salaries and bonuses.

And we all know where they keep their accounts, and let's just say they are 'safe', because the banker class is the only class who can afford the accountants and advisors to set up an account or scheme in a 'safe' place, safe from HMRC.

There is indeed a culture of entitlement.

But it is a culture of entitlement to satanism (at Bohemian Grove, for example), bailouts totalling trillions, tax havens to dodge as much tax as possible, and fascism to make more and more profits for the corporations while the majority of the unsuspecting muggins British taxpayers take all the blame and burden.

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