
Monday, June 25, 2012


When the announcement came yesterday that the Muslim Brotherhood candidate had won, even though they said they would not enter a candidate, there was a huge cheer in Gaza.


Because Gaza will receive much more assistance now.

Israel knows it, and is building a fence to block smuggling from Egypt into Gaza.

Last year, as the revolution began, the FT and WP published articles that portrayed the MB as cute and cuddly reformed Muslims. The FT article was from a former member of the MB who testified to this alleged reformation of the MB. The WP article was from The Rand Corporation. The Rand Corporation was exposed by Alex Abella who was given access to their archives. Upon reading these archives Abella came to the conclusion that The Rand Corporation is corrupt, insane and intent on starting another world war.

So just how 'reformed' are the MB? Not very much. As I highlighted yesterday, the MB held a Kill The Jews rally at which a promise was made to kill all the Jews.

For decades there has been relative peace between Israel and its neighbours. But shortly after the inside job 9/11 this started to change. Saddam Hussein was taken out. Rafik Hariri was taken out. Gaddafi was taken out. Mubarak was taken out. There are attempts to take Assad out. And if Assad is taken out the Ayatollahs will be taken out (though there are reports that Nutternyahu will now attack Iran in September whatever happens).

But in order to take Mubarak, Gaddafi and Assad out, a deal with the devil has been struck. The dark forces of Sunni terrorists have been summoned, and their adventures are clear to see. Houla and Qubair are just two examples of what they are capable of.

Assume that Israel did do 9/11 to trick the USA into providing their muscle to change the lanscape of the Middle East, as demanded in A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses.

Is it going to plan?

If Seymour Hersh's The Redirection is to be believed, then perhaps not. Hersh revealed that this Faustian pact with the Sunni terrorists had been reached to kick out Shias.

But what if the real plan was to trick Israel into doing 9/11? Israel may well have been led to believe that it would receive support from the USA and UK and NATO etc to replace the governments of Libya and Egypt and Syria and Iran with ones that could described as more amenable to Israel.

There was a plan for war on seven nations in five years. That plan faltered in the first nation on the hit list, Iraq.

But why?

Why did the plan fail in Iraq?

Iraq had been decimated by a decade of bombing with DU bombs during the 1990/s after Iraq had been tricked into invading Kuwait in 1990 and the Saddam left in power after we encouraged a revolution against him but then betrayed it leaving Saddam to slaughter the revolutionaries and leave him stronger than before, internally that is. Invading and taking over Iraq should have been, as Wolfowitz and his clan thought, a cakewalk.

But it wasn't.

So what if the plan all along was to stall the plan in Iraq, and then get Israel to agree to the Sunni terrorists taking power in Libya, in Egypt, in Syria.

Then Israel would have been tricked into replacing the relatively moderate governments of Libya, Egypt and Syria with vicious throat-cutting head chopping al Qaeda terrorists.

The Muslim Brotherhood have promised to kill all the Jews.

The Sunni terrorists in Syria have repeatedly bragged about killing supporters of Assad, saying as they slit the throats of their victims, "this is for supporting Assad, and this is for supporting Israel".

Of course Assad and their supporters do not support Israel, but want peace and for Israel to be less hostile.

Israel will soon be surrounded by Sunni terrorists, with WMDs if they kick Assad out.

With the Shias out they will not want to leave Israel in peace.

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