
Sunday, March 02, 2014


Iraq: on 11th September 2001 four passenger planes were allegedly hijacked, and managed to fly unimpeded around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours, before flying into The World Trade Centre and even The Pentagon! A cabal of Zionists had previously written in two documents of their strong desire for war on Israel's enemies, even going so far as to openly state that they needed a "new Pearl Harbor" to convince/persuade the American public to support such wars. On 9/11 that cabal was in charge of the US military, media and political response to the events on and after that day. This Zionist cabal told us that Iraq had been involved and had Weapons of Mass Destruction. So we invaded Iraq, killing approaching one million Iraqis, men, women and children, having already silently killed and maimed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis through sanctions and DU. Years later and we are still waiting for the evidence to support their claims of 9/11 and WMDs.

Ukraine: in 2004 there was an attempt at a coup financed by The National Endowment for Fascism Democracy, George Soros and Boris Berezovsky. The United States has admittedly spent 5 billion dollars attempting regime change in Ukraine. One of the nations targeted for war after 9/11 was Syria. After over 2 years of a covert invasion by cutthroat Jihadis, President Assad is still in power, despite Saudi Arabia and Qatar spending hundreds of millions of dollars to support the cutthroat Jihadis. In the summer of 2013 Prince Bandar bin Sultan warned Putin to dump Assad or Bandar would unleash hell on earth on Syria. On 21st August there hundreds of Syrian children and their parents were murdered in one of the sickest, most barbaric false flags of all time. The deaths were blamed on Assad, followed by calls for war to save the cutthroat Jihadis from total annihilation, despite an abundance of evidence that the cutthroats had chemical weapons, had tested and had issued warnings of using them. But Putin negotiated a peace deal, and stopped the warmongers dead in their tracks. Within a few months of this deal being struck there is a violent fascist coup in Ukraine which results in a wave of oppression of, and violence and discrimination against, ethnic Russians in Ukraine. In response to a request for intervention, to enforce the safety of the ethnic Russians, Putin has dispatched troops to Crimea. So far there have been no deaths from this action.

1. We invaded Iraq based on a pack of lies, killing approaching a million Iraqis. We were almost tricked into war on Syria by the same Zionist cabal who lied us into Iraq.
2. Putin denies the Zionists their war on Syria (that they ran 9/11 for), so the Zionists destabilise Ukraine through a violent fascist coup, and when Putin is asked to defend ethnic Russians in Ukraine he is called a warmonger!


It's gud 'ere, innit?

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