
Sunday, March 02, 2014


Craig Murray does not like Vladimir Putin, so much so that sometimes I wonder who Murray really works for.

Murray is currently criticising Putin (again) for sending troops to Crimea, comparing this action to R2P.
The existence of civil disturbance in a country does not justify outside military intervention. That it does is, of course, the Blair doctrine that I have been campaigning against for 15 years, inside and outside government. Putin of course opposes such interventions by the West, in Iraq, Syria or Libya, but supports such interventions when he does them, as in Georgia and Ukraine. That is hypocrisy. There are elements on the British left who also oppose such interventions when the West does them, but support when Putin does them. You can see their arguments on the last comments thread: fascinatingly none of them have addressed my point about Putin’s distinct lack of interest in the principle of self-determination when it comes to Chechnya or Dagestan.

[source : Craig Murray, Putin and International Law,, 2nd March 2014]

Murray is on very thin ice when he dredges up Chechnya and Dagestan. Separatists in both of these regions are being run, financed and protected by NATO to destabilise and break up Russia. Berezovsky had dealings with them, and he had an anti-Putin agenda, being given a whole BBC QT and several interviews by The Guardian to denounce Putin and proclaim that there would be bloody revolution in Russia.

But the funny thing about Berezovsky was that just before his death he wrote to Putin requesting a return to Russia, and then he allegedly kills himself, on the eve of an inquest into the death of Litvinenko, when friends and family say that he was not suicidal. Hmmm...

Great Britain did not decay and rot after World War 2. It still exercises great influence over the USA via Zionism. When people say, "It's the Jews", they should really be saying, "It's the British", because Zionism was and still is financed and controlled by the Rothschilds, and the Rothschilds are merely gimps of the British Monarchy. It is quite a clever screen that has been put up, but that is how it works.

So any significant action taken by America is generally for Great Britain. And in the Caucasus the USA is very active, as is Great Britain itself. The goal is to destabilise and dismember the Russian Federation. And all options are being used, including terrorism.

There is a war on Russia. A silent war, but a war all the same. It involves terror, but it also involves the American government financing political organisations and politicians to destabilise Russia. In 2011 The White Revolution was spearheaded by Alexy Navalny to stop Putin being re-elected. Navalny was sponsored by Wall Street, NATO foundations and American NGOs.

In 2004 these same people and organisations financed a coup in Ukraine, and called it The Orange Revolution. So they have form for this kind of thing, and in Ukraine.

Last year Putin stopped a war on Syria, a war that the Zionists, i.e. British, executed 9/11 for.

And within months of this there is yet another coup in Ukraine?


Or perhaps not.

I strongly believe that Ukraine is the Zionist payback for Putin stopping their war on Syria, something they killed nearly 3000 Americans for on 9/11. And 9/11 is slowly being exposed. The Saudi role in 9/11 is about to be blown wide open. And when the Saudi role is blown then Americans will be open to the Zionist role. And both Israel and Saudi Arabia are creations of the British.

What we are seeing in Ukraine is a violent fascist coup organised and executed by NATO. Of that I am 100% certain. Facts will come out eventually of who financed whom, and who armed whom, and who trained whom.

I find the coincidence of Putin stopping war on Syria followed by a coup in Ukraine too much.

What I would compare the recent actions in Ukraine to is a known convicted multiple rapist and murderer trying to drag a woman down a dark side street.

What would you do?

At such a time you stop the crime and defend the woman and yourself at all costs...including breaking the law.

NATO has broken the law...again...too many times.

Their lawlessness has to stop.

They put the violent fascist thugs into power.

What has occured in Ukraine is not a romantic uprising of oppressed Ukrainians. It is a violent fascist coup, run by NATO.

Surely the tapes and video we have of intercepted phone calls and John McCain pledging solidarity with the violent fascist thugs is enough evidence that something is not right?

ps Putin has helped and still is helping President Assad to annihilate NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum in Syria who are sponsored by the medieval diabolical Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jihadis that former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by the British to smuggle into Syria.

pps Moazzam Begg has just been charged with terrorism offences. I believe Begg to be innocent of all charges. However, he was first detained in Guantanamo Bay because he was arrested in Afghanistan after NATO invaded on behalf of the establishment to restore opium production...after 9/11. And he has just been charged after, Murray believes, trying to expose British complicity in torture in the fake global war on terror which began...after 9/11. And 9/11 was run by the same bastards who tried to provoke a war on Syria last year, which Putin stopped, and for which Ukraine is now paying the price after NATO sponsored a violent fascist coup to overthrow the Russophile government.

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