
Friday, April 11, 2014


I have covered at length how The Guardian/Observer group shills for NATO, and is thus part of the NATO media empire. The Guardian/Observer Group:
1. after the horrific events at Ghouta last August immediately and consistently blamed Assad despite overwhelming evidence and logic that the rebels were the culprits;
2. cried with joy that Syria had agreed to relinquish its chemical weapons without mentioning that Israel has a much larger, more devastating and more terrifying arsenal of WMDs that should also be destroyed asap;
3. during the war on Libya pushed for NATO to ignore the spirit of UN SCR 1973 and become the Jihadi Air Force to kill Gaddafi (and has since allowed Owen Jones to shill for NATO by publishing Jones' apology for NATO killing Gaddafi);
4. steadfastly supported convicted embezzler and Rothschild gimp Mikhail Khordokovsky;
5. has not once covered General Wesley Clark and the plan revealed to him for war on seven nations in five years;
6. romanticised the recent events in Ukraine as one of downtrodden masses rebelling against cruel Russophile tyrants when in reality there was a NATO-sponsored violent fascist coup using neo-Nazis to install a pro-IMF, pro-NATO government run by a banker who proudly lists NATO and The National Endowment for Fascism Democracy as partners in his Soros-linked Open Ukraine Foundation.

All this, of course, brings into question the whole Ed Snowden saga, for it was The Guardian who brought us The Snowden Revelations all last summer.

Yesterday NATO released satellite images of what it says is of the build up of Russian forces on the Russia-Ukraine border, possibly in advance of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Guardian dutifully reports this NATO view of events, but at least, but only briefly, refers to a Russian response to NATO's claim:
Moscow has denied it is preparing an invading force. The Russian foreign ministry insisted on Wednesday that troops near Ukraine’s border posed no threat and the movements were nothing more than the “everyday activity of Russian troops on its territory”.

[source : Satellite images reveal Russian military buildup on Ukraine's border, The Guardian,, 10th April 2014]

But as usual, as with the Syrian fighter jet shot down by Turkey a few weeks ago (Turkey was providing cover the rebels entering Syria from Turkey and the jet was attacking the rebels on Syrian soil), The Guardian doesn't quite tell the whole story.

The photographs are of troops on the Russia-Ukraine border...but they were taken in August 2013 during a joint exercise between Russia and Ukraine.
“These shots, which were distributed by NATO, show Russian Armed Forces units of the Southern Military District, which in the summer of last year were taking part in various drills, including near the Ukrainian border,” the General Staff official told RIA Novosti.

Large military drills held in the south of Russia last year included Combat Commonwealth 2013 – a joint air defense exercise of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Back then, Ukrainian troops participated in the international drills.

[source : NATO’s Russian troop build-up satellite images ‘show 2013 drills’, RT,, 10th April 2014]



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