
Saturday, April 12, 2014


Zac Goldsmith MP is on George Galloway's show on Russia Today, Sputnik. This has to be the strangest combination of host and guest on TV!

Goldsmith was on The Keiser Report late last year pushing his recall motion in a very friendly chat with Max Keiser. Goldsmith will be doing the same on Sputnik. I have yet to see Goldsmith on Sputnik, but here is a photo of Galloway with Goldmsith.

Goldsmith recently married into THE Rothschild banking family. Goldsmith's wife is a direct descendant of the Nathan Mayer Rothschild who came to London and founded NM Rothschild and who allegedly made a fortune out of The Battle of Waterloo by pretending that Wellington had lost when he knew Wellington had won. Goldsmith's wife's sister was at one point married to Goldsmith's brother, so there is definitely a Goldsmith-Rothschild thing going on.

The late father of Goldsmith's wife was a trustee of Yad Hanadiv, a foundation established in memory of Baron Edmond de Rothschild, the Rothschild who began to colonise Palestine for the Zionists. Lord Jacob Rothschild is currently the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Yad Hanadiv.

There has to be something going on here. First anti-bankster Keiser, now anti-Zionist Galloway, inviting Goldsmith onto their shows for chummy chats, particularly when Goldsmith voted for war on Syria? Goldsmith's recall motion is not that important. Maria Miller was ousted without it.

Note how Galloway refers to Goldsmith's quest : honour in politics.

Hmm. Honour in politics.

Can you be a Rothschild and claim honour in politics?

With all that Zionist baggage?

WTF is going on here?

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