
Wednesday, May 07, 2014


The BBC page for its coverage of World War One has a new section entitled The Complete A to Z of World War One.

Their F is food, accompanied by a few girls narrating a brief video on the state of food supply during WW1.

But my F would be Freemasonry.

Because without:
1. Freemasonry planning the war to create a power vacuum in Central Europe;
2. Freemasonry condemning Arch Duke Ferdinand to death 2 years before his assassination;
3. Freemasonry giving the Freemasonic assassins the weapons and encouragement for the assassination;
4. Freemasonry arranging the Triple Entente to surround Germany.

There would have been no war in the first place.

There are some, even surprisingly in the anti war movement, who argue that the war was going to happen anyway. This is useful to the warmongers because it absolves the true culprits of all responsibility and guilt for the organised slaughter we call World War One.

The fact is, as John Lewis-Stempel pointed out over last weekend, Great Britain had been warning Germany that it would be prepared to go to war with Germany, which deterred Germany from starting any war. However, on this occasion, after Freemasons assassinated Arch Duke Ferdinand with the assistance and encouragement of Freemasonry, King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm II that Great Britain would not fight in any war. This encouraged Germany to mobilise, which provoked Russia, etc. And Sir Edward Grey played a blinder by not making it crystal clear what Britain's position on Belgium was, but as soon as the first German boot set foot on Belgian soil Grey waved The Treaty of London 1839 and cried, "WAR!!" (but not telling anyone that Great Britain had been violating Belgium's neutrality throughout early 1914, possibly earlier).

Thus Germany was tricked and, in my very strong view, wrongly blamed for World War One.

So F is for Freemasonry.

But F is also for Fascism.

Freemasonry also colluded with the Nazis in their eugenics experiments.

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