
Friday, May 09, 2014


The Home Affairs Committee has today published its most recent report into terrorist threats to this Disunited Fascist Queendom. The nations named as threats are very revealing:
Afghanistan and Pakistan
Horn of Africa
North Africa

The reference to North Africa is basically Libya.

And the Horn of Africa is basically Somalia.

So out of these nations:
1. We invaded Afghanistan on the pretext of hunting down bin Laden after 9/11, but he died shortly after 9/11 from Marfan Syndrome, and all we have done is encourage the production of opium;
2. Syria, Libya and Somalia were named in the plan revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as targets for war, even though there was and still is no evidence that they played a role, no matter how small, in 9/11.

But the country coming up along the rails to take the lead threat is...da da! Syria!!

Yes. Syria.

The same Syria that former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked in 2009 by Great Britain to smuggle Jihadis into...TWO YEARS BEFORE IT KICKED OFF IN SYRIA!!

And yes, that is the same Syria that Michael Adebalajo was considering going to, and the same Syria that he was begging Muslims to go to, in order to fight the British-supported Jihad against President Bashar al Assad before Adebalajo butchered Lee Rigby on the streets of London.

Here is what the report says about Syria:
46. Syria is an extremely attractive destination for foreign fighters. It is described as a
‘perfect storm’ in regards to foreign fighters as it is
• easily accessible (via either a three-day drive across Europe and through Turkey to the
northern Syria border or a low-cost flight to Turkey and then a short drive to the
• has a sectarian element;
• has a viable narrative in regards to fighting against a perceived tyrant, widely criticised
by Western leaders: and,
• is close to jihadist conflicts in Iraq and Lebanon which means that fighters are kept

NB no mention of either Dumas or Adebalajo being allowed to preach Jihad against Syria on the streets of London.

Indeed, there is no mention of Dumas in the report!

There are references to Adebalajo, but not explicitly by name. Here is what the report says about Adebalajo:
25. There are also concerns regarding the travel of British extremists to the region
attempting to link up with Al Shabaab or other, related, extremist groups. The May 2013
murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby was carried out by an individual who had travelled to the
region several times and was suspected of trying to join Al Shabaab. We visited Kenya as
part of this inquiry to examine the links between the UK and Kenyan counter-terrorism
personnel and to examine the capacity building work which was being carried out there.

...90. Acts of terrorism are not generally charged under terrorist legislation – the perpetrators
of the attack of Fusilier Lee Rigby and the man responsible for the death of Mohammed
Saleem were both charged with (and convicted of) murder rather than a terrorist offence
although both cases were investigated as terrorism.

NB no mention that Adebalajo was being hounded by MI5 to become a spy for them, and was thus under surveillance, as he butchered Lee Rigby after preaching Jihad for weeks in Woolwich, begging Muslims to go to Syria to fight Jihad against Assad and openly discussing joining the Jihad there himself.

The cruel facts are that Great Britain is Terrorist Central, the headquarters of many an Islamic terrorist organisation, hence the name 'Londonistan', and has been since the late 1970s when plans were being made to create the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to kick out the USSR. Osama bin Laden was allowed to live in Wembley, London, and trained with MI6/SAS.

Yet the muggins British taxpayer is supposed to be absolutely terrified of all these Islamic terrorists and cede all their privacy and rights to a government that is now proposing raiding bank accounts without court orders on the whim of a government employee!!

Er, I don't think my grandfathers invaded France in 1944 for this!!

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