
Monday, May 26, 2014


On Saturday The Bilderberg Washington Post published its latest whinge on America's policy regarding Syria. The editorial board of The Bilderberg Washington Post loves war, but only when they are not fighting it themselves (like most cowardly warmongers such as NATO politicians).

Last year was a very telling year for operations regarding Syria and the USA. President Obama was elected, but he was not supposed to win in 2012. His Nobel Peace Prize is like a pair of lead boots to the warmongers. The pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-fascism Romney was supposed to win. It is surprising that the politics of America today is still dominated by 9/11, but it is. The plan for war on seven nations in five years is seriously, seriously behind schedule, and as time goes by 9/11, which was executed to kick off that series of wars, becomes a distant memory and loses its usefulness as a casus belli for war. Romney would have bombed Syria last August. Obama wisely didn't. Romney would have bombed Iran too. Obama is seeking a diplomatic solution to Iran's peaceful civil nuclear power program. Hence The Emergency Committee for Israel, founded and run by the PNAC founder Bill Kristol, produced a video virtually declaring war on President Obama.

The editorial definitely calls for the rebels to be given shoulder-fired missiles, and states that these should be kept out of the hands of extremists, but does not state how this could be done. There is also a suggestion that a safe zone be established inside Syria.

So the editorial board of The Bilderberg Washington Post still want more and more military action on and interference in Syria, but do not ask that they be sent over there personally with a uniform, a pair of boots, a helmet and a rifle, to join up with the cutthroat Jihadis and fight the indefatigable, mighty Syrian Arab Army in the hell on earth that is Syria thanks to their support for the series of Ziowars kicked off by the inside job 9/11.

But the three little but significant things that I take from this editorial are:
1. Syria is referred to as a hell on earth;
2. Obama is referred to as President Obama;
3. mathematical vocabulary is present in calculus.

Regarding 1., this phrase "hell on earth" was used by this blog to describe what Prince Bandar was going to create in Syria if Putin didn't dump Assad.

Regarding 2., a few weeks ago this blog highlighted that the editorials of The Bilderberg Washington Post referred to Obama as Mister, not President.

And regarding 3., this blog suggested that there should be more mathematics in geopolitics.

Are the editorial board of The Bilderberg Washington Post reading TTS?

Is President Obama?

President Putin?

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