
Sunday, May 25, 2014


Nearly every report that I have read that was not written by someone from the Democratic Party criticises the Freedom Act as allowing the NSA to do what it was doing illegally beforehand legally, either explicitly in the text or through loopholes. This act was driven by the revelations of Ed Snowden, reported by Glenn Greenwald, and first published in The anti-Russia, anti-Putin, anti-Assad, anti-truth, pro-lies, pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-NATO, pro-cutthroat Jihadi, pro-Ukraine neo-Nazi Guardian.

Here is another such report:
On Thursday, the United States House of Representatives passed the “USA Freedom Act,” a piece of legislation that has been presented as a National Security Agency (NSA) “reform” bill. In reality, the bill, which was modified after the intervention of the Obama administration, would allow for the continued bulk collection of telephone records, while doing nothing to address other illegal NSA spy programs.

...The USA Freedom Act, in line with “reforms” proposed by Obama earlier this year, seeks to assuage widespread opposition while ensuring that the spying continues. It requires the NSA to obtain specific permission from the FISC for records that would be kept by telecommunications companies rather than the agencies themselves.

...The new language is so broad that it essentially allows for bulk data collection. Harley Geiger, a senior counsel for the Center for Democracy and Technology, told the New York Times that the language would allow for the collection of vast amounts of data as long as there were any limiting criteria. “The government has shown remarkable capacity to creatively interpret terms that appeared clear, like ‘relevant,’ and this definition is ambiguous enough that it allows, if not entire-population-scale collection, large-scale collection,” he noted.

In addition, the amended bill allows the NSA to collect data for anyone found to be two degrees away from the suspected target. This would enable the agency to indefinitely surveil potentially thousands or even millions of people with just a single warrant.

The bill was amended so significantly that many of its original backers have come out in opposition. A collection of telecommunications companies issued a statement that the language created an “unacceptable loophole that could enable the bulk collection of internet users’ data.”

[source : NSA “reform” bill would continue to allow for bulk phone record collection, WSWS,, 24th May 2014]

So, perhaps Glenn Greenwald can critique the bill and say exactly what has changed.

Because the view from here is that the general public are now aware that they are being spied on, but they couldn't give a toss because that dastardly al Qaeda is in Syria training British and American Jihadis to kill us all upon their return. Meanwhile, Greenwald is doing bugger all to expose the long term plan for the series of wars revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11, while he sits surveying his new multi-million dollar media empire which he runs with another dodgy ****** called Jeremy Scahill. Scahill believes that somehow a bunch of Muslims were able to hijack several passenger planes and fly them unimpeded around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly 2 hours before flying them into The WTC and even...can you believe this...THE PENTAGON!! When this was precisely what people like Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz wanted!! Scahill would then go onto be so vain as to think that Stop The War could be bullied into dumping Mother Agnes Mariam from their conference last year. Sadly he was right!

There is definitely something not right with this dynamic duo, Greenwald and Scahill.

And sadly there is something not right with Stop The War either. They allowed themselves to be bullied by Scahill, and their semi-official publication on the origins of World War 1 misses several key pieces of evidence that point to that horrific war being a British/Freemasonic conspiracy rather than something that was going to happen anyway. My critique of this document showed that, although its thesis was Marxist in pushing this competing empire theory, a lot of the evidence it provided agreed with the LPAC/EIR thesis which is that nations like Germany and Russia and the USA had adopted The American System of Economics in opposition to British Free Trade, which was propelling Germany and the USA to overtaking Great Britain as the dominant economic powers in the world. Thus Great Britain conspired to engineer a war in which Germany would be surrounded (this was done by Prince later King Edward VII while he was Grand Master of The United Grand Lodge of England), Freemasons assassinated Ferdinand, King George V told Kaiser Wilhelm that Great Britain would stay out of any war, Sir Edward Grey was very vague about Great Britain's position, but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium Grey demanded war. Nations on the continent mutually destroyed each other so that Europe could then be molded into whatever Great Britain wanted.

I could go on that because the USA voted out of The League of Nations both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia were created by Wall Street and The City of London for a longer, bloodier and more destructive world war : Ordo Ab Chao.

PS the NATO media loved Jeremy Scahill last year, with fawning articles published in The Guardian (of course) and The Independent. I wonder why...

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