
Monday, June 23, 2014


Israeli Air Force = ISIS Air Force

Israeli Defence Force = ISIS Defence Force

A 15 year old Israeli was apparently killed by a missile of some sort. Israel accused Syria, despite Syria having no reason whatsoever to do so, while the Syrian rebels, now armed with all sorts of weapons unwisely supplied by Obama, have several reasons: they hate Jews; doing so would give Israel an excuse to attack Syria.

And so it came to pass.

While Israel cannot say who is firing missiles at them, they attacked SAA positions.
Nine Syrian military targets have been hit by Israeli jets and guided missiles, the IDF says, claiming it was a decisive response to a series of cross-border shootings to protect the citizens of Israel.

...It was not clear who exactly fired the anti-tank missile that hit the Israeli border from an area contested by the Syrian army and the rebels.

[source : Israel strikes 9 military targets in Syria, RT,, 22nd June 2014]

This comes just as:
1. the OPCW announces that 100% of Syria's declared chemical weapons are now beyond its borders and therefore beyond its control;
2. ISIS is securing its gains from last week by taking border posts between Iraq and Syria.

By destroying SAA positions without knowing for sure that it was Syria and not a 3rd party or 4th party interested in stirring up trouble, Israel could be assisting ISIS in that the SAA may now move personnel to the Golan away from regions close to those controlled by ISIS.

But you can see it now: ISIS makes gains in Syria; there is alleged use of chemical weapons by the SAA to stop them; NATO intervenes.

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