
Monday, June 23, 2014


Rothschild Russia Today has been repeating what occured this time last year.

And this time last year was the escape of Ed Snowden from the evil clutches of the CIA and NSA.

This time last year was a weird time for me. I was possessed by an intense interest in the Baring family and their interaction with the United States of America, which throws up a hell of a lot of very difficult questions. For example, despite them running the British East India Company, they continued to finance the USA at crucial times when there was war between the USA and Great Britain or its proxies, e.g. the Confederacy.

I was also starting to realise a few other things...

But before Snowden's miraculous escape, he had been headline front page news on the NATO media flag ship, The Guardian.

And after his miraculous escape he continued to appear as headline front page news on the NATO media flag ship, The Guardian.

And yes, that's the same NATO media flag ship The Guardian that:
1. immediately and consistently accused Assad of the horrific events at Ghouta;
2. cried with joy at Syria relinquishing its chemical weapons while not referring once to Israel's much more powerful and destructive arsenal of not only chemical but also biological and nuclear weapons;
3. demanded (and I assume much to the joy of Owen Jones) that NATO become the air force of the army of cutthroat Jihadis unleashed onto Libya as part of The Redirection reported by Seymour Hersh in 2007;
4. portayed the recent violent NATO-sponsored neo-Nazi coup in Ukraine as a bloodless romantic uprising of downtrodden Ukrainians under a Russophile tyranny, when since the coup Ukraine is being signed over to the IMF/Bohemian Grove/Wall Street crowd as the neo Nazis burn people alive, shooting at those escaping the flames and beating to death others who survived the jump from the 3rd floor windows;
5. supported Rothschild gimp and convicted embezzler Mikhail Khordokovsky by publishing an editorial under his name;
6. refuses to expose the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11 despite many readers referring to it in comments.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

So forgive my scepticism of Snowden's 'revelations'.

As Abby Martin recently stated, Snowden was so USA! USA! USA! John Wayned-gung ho that he was prepared to go to Iraq and slaughter Iraqi civilians because of 9/11. He has also called for whistleblowers to have their balls shot off. And he also appears to be a 9/11 gatekeeper.

Yet when he suddenly decides to reveal that, surprise!!, we're all being spied on (sonething we have known for years due to Echelon being exposed in 1999), he is headline front page news on not only The Guardian but also The Bilderberg Washington Post!!

Who else has been given this fantastic opportunity to reveal the deepest, darkest secrets of the deep state?

David Icke? As I recall it, Icke appeared once in The Sun last year.

Alex Jones? Nope.

Webster Tarpley? Nope.

Lyndon Larouche? Nope.

Tony Gosling? Nope.

Not even Zac Rothschild Goldsmith MP got a sniff of the front page of The Guardian.

So we have to ask:
why would Snowden be allowed to reveal the NSA's deepest, darkest secrets (allegedly) on the front pages of The Guardian and The Washington Post, for weeks, while nobody who has some sort of clue as to what is going on is not even mentioned on the those front pages, not even to be ridiculed?

A week or two ago Russia Today held a Snowden Day, worshipping Snowden. Non stop Snowden. Relentless Snowden.

Yet the wars in the Middle East and North Africa could be stopped within months by RT showing the videos of General Wesley Clark stating the plan for totaler krieg.

Not one NATO media outlet that I am aware of has shown those videos.

A whole day devoted to the Clark revelations would stop the wars.

Instead we get a This Time Last Year..., dedicated to Snowden's escape.

It all seems such a farce, particularly when Greenwald is sitting on NSA bombshells but finds the time to sign lucrative contracts...

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