
Sunday, July 06, 2014


There was a series on Channel 4 that started in 2000 called Big Brother. It was one of the major series on British TV for several years, and made the careers of a few presenters, including Russell Brand. The series consisted of participants in a house with cameras and microphones around the house to record what the participants did and said. The first few series were quite serious, but Big Brother, either leading or following the general degeneracy of nice Great Britain, has become voyeuristic and is becoming pornographic.

I immediately identified BB as a tool to acclimatise us to total surveillance. For how can anyone complain about being under total surveillance by the state when they themselves watch others under total surveillance, particularly when in real life there is the ubiquitous and ever present threat of al Qaeda?

Fast forward to 2013.

President Obama is under immense pressure to bomb Syria. He should not be in The White House. The pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-fascism Mitt Romney should be there, bombing not only Syria but also Iran. Obama is stalling the post-9/11 plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark. Obama had been implicated in minor scandal after minor scandal to pressure him. Heads of state personally visited and spoke to Obama, demanding that he at least bomb Syria. The Washington Post wrote twice-weekly editorials demanding that Obama bomb Syria. There were claims that Assad had used chemical weapons.

But Obama refused.

And so in June 2013 a former employee of the NSA somehow got his revelations of the NSA spying on us onto the front pages of not only the NATO media flag ship The Guardian but also the megaphone of Bilderberg, The Washington Post.

For weeks it was Snowden, Snowden, Snowden.

Even after Snowden 'escaped' to Russia, Snowden and his revelations continued to appear on the front pages of the NATO media.


This is a report in the megaphone of Bilderberg, The Washington Post...TODAY!

Ordinary internet users targeted by NSA spying “far outnumber” the foreigners who are legally monitored, a Washington Post report revealed. The data intercepted includes “startlingly intimate” material which is automatically retained by the NSA.

Analysis of Snowden’s data by the US publication has shown the extent to which the spy agency inadvertently gathers the account data of ordinary Americans and non-Americans. Spy-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden provided the Post with a cache of leaked data from the US National Security Agency.

[source : NSA gathered 'startlingly intimate' data on ordinary citizens, Snowden data reveals, RT,, 6th July 2014]

NB This is RT reporting this. Neither The Washington Post or RT have reported on the revelations of General Wesley Clark.

It's as if they want you to know, to get you used to being under surveillance every millisecond of every minute of every hour of every day, etc.

And they do.

Big Brother and The Snowden 'Revelations' are not independent.

They want you to know you are being spied on, to get you used to it, to accept it, and the threat of ISIS and/or al Qaeda is raised as the raison détre of the spying agencies.

And the general public, so degenerate from celebrating blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses as part of the gay NATO agenda to push 'anything goes' sex and abortion, as stated by high level Rockefeller employee Dr Richard Day, demand total surveillance for protection from the state-engineered threat of ISIS. This inflated threat from ISIS is due to an agreement reached in 2007 that Saudi Arabia would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, a 2009 British plan to smuggle those Jihadis into Syria as revealed to Roland Dumas, and our spying agencies allowing murdering preachers like Michael Adebalajo to preach Jihad against President Assad of Syria to feed the Jihadi pipeline into Syria!!


We are much, much better than this.

Or are we?

My personal experience is that we are not.

When told what is happening, we the people don't care and/or ostracise those who tell them, and would rather talk about sex, strip clubs in Prague, football, etc.

Hence last Saturday, on the 100th anniversary of the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, it was just me, on my own, outside Freemason's Hall, versus Freemasonry, the Police and the system.

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