
Sunday, July 06, 2014


The threat of ISIS and al Qaeda is being used to terrify us into ceding our privacy and rights. Last year the three stooges, the heads of MI5, MI6 and GCHQ, sat in front of a coven of besotted, bewitched MPs and said that Ed Snowden had aided the enemy and that they, the three stooges, needed more power. Since then this splinter of al Qaeda in Syria called ISIS has stormed Iraq and taken control over large areas of Iraq, but it appears that after an initial collapse of the Iraqi Army that was engineered by ISIS sympathisers within its ranks, the Iraqi military is regrouping and retaking what is now under ISIS control. Russian jets should soon help to quickly chase ISIS back into Syria where they will be easily beaten by the Syrian Arab Army.

ISIS is being cited by our politicians in The Marsten House as the reason why we should cede more and more privacy and rights.

But how much responsibility does Great Britain itself bear for the emergence of ISIS?

As stated on this blog many times before, the Jihadis in Syria are there under an agreement reached between Israel, the USA and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon. I argue that this is because by 2007 the plan for totaler krieg on seven nations in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark after the inside job 9/11 was moribund. And in order for NATO to provide cover for the Jihadis as 'freedom fighters', the US State Dept and its quangos engineered The Arab Spring.

The Arab Spring erupted in Tunisia, then Egypt, and then Libya.

However, I have yet to discover why, but these Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya.

Libya had been named to Clark as a target for war and regime change, and by 2007 had not been attacked. A UN resolution, UN SCR 1973, gave authorisation for a No Fly Zone to stop Colonel Gaddafi from bombing 'protestors'. However, these 'protestors' were actually al Qaeda. And not only that: Gaddafi was giving their names to the CIA and MI6! And not only that, Gaddafi had also been cooperating in the sham Global War on Terror by allowing suspects of terrorism to be renditioned to Libya to be tortured.

British Special Forces were on the ground assisting the Jihadis throughout the middle of 2011, while NATO became The Jihadi Air Force.

So a resolution that was supposed to enforce a No Fly Zone to protect civilians had been twisted into one that gave authorisation to protect and assist al Qaeda and to eventually assassinate Colonel Gaddafi.

After Gaddafi had been murdered in late 2011, the Jihadis and weapons looted from Libya's arsenal were transported to Syria via Lebanon. However, 2 years before this the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas was asked by Great Britain to smuggle Jihadis into Syria.

Last year Lee Rigby was butchered by Michael Adebalajo. But it turns out that Adebalajo was being harassed by MI5 to be a spy for them. He apparently refused, but the harassment apparently flicked a switch inside him and he went on to butcher Rigby. But it also turns out that Adebalajo was no ordinary Jihadi. He was a preacher and had been preaching Jihad against Syrian President Bashar al Assad on the streets of London for weeks,m pleading with Muslims to fight Jihad in Syria. And he was contemplating going there himself.

Now, whether Dumas was asked to create a pipeline for Jihadis from Great Britain, or Libya, or elsewhere into Syria, I am not sure. But Adebalajo was helping to fuel the Jihad in Syria.

Last summer the Syrian Arab Army recaptured al Qusair in Syria, which at the time was an important logistics hub for the Syrian rebels. Within a week of this the rebels began to suffer defeat after defeat at the hands of the Syrian Arab Army. Things became that desperate for the rebels that Prince Bandar bin Sultan was dispatched to Moscow to issue an ultimatum: dump Assad or hell will be unleashed in Syria. Putin refused. A month or so later the incident at Ghouta occured. Hundreds of children were murdered, but not at Ghouta by chemical weapons. They had been kidnapped by rebels from Lattakia by the rebels. The NATO media and our leading politicians demanded war on Syria, to save the rebels. But Ed Miliband denied them their war.

Since then the inevitable defeat of the rebels in Syria led to a branch of them forming ISIS and invading Iraq. But as reported by The Daily Telegraph, this invasion was known of by the Kurds in February, who passed it onto NATO intelligence.

And since the invasion of Iraq by ISIS, we have been bombarded with statements from ISIS Jihadis from Great Britain that they are coming back to Britain to raise the black flag over Downing Street and hold mass executions in Trafalgar Square.

So, far from ISIS being a surprise and independent organisation of Jihadis, Great Britain has been in the background guiding their evolution, from assisting them on the ground in Libya even though Gaddafi had been giving their names to MI6, to smuggling Jihadis into Syria, to allowing criminal Muslim preachers on the streets of London to preach Jihad against Syria, to encouraging Saudi Arabia to finance the Jihadis, to allowing them to invade Iraq, and influencing the Iraqi Army to stand down.

And Owen Jones also has a case to answer.

I have already highlighted the statement made by Jones in The Guardian that the war in Libya was a good war because it removed the tyrant Gaddafi, but for whatever reason the war on Iraq was a bad war. But a lot of the Libyan Jihadis went to Syria, and are I presume now in Iraq as part of ISIS.

And in addition to this, Jones supported Jeremy Scahill in Scahill's vain bullying of Stop The War to oust Mother Agnes Mariam from the guest speaker list at the STW conference last year. Mariam has good evidence that the children claimed to have been killed at Ghouta were in fact kidnapped from Lattakia. By supporting Scahill, Jones has protected the false flag of Ghouta, leading to continued support for the Jihadis in Syria, some of whom are now in Iraq trying to establish a Caliphate which is being used to terrify us.

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