
Friday, July 18, 2014


Eleven months ago there was a horrific event in Ghouta, Syria.

Well, that is what we were told by warmongering scum, who told us that Assad had decided, for whatever reason, to use chemical weapons to kill approaching 2000 of his own people. This is an insult to logic because:
1. if you want your people to turn against you then what better way than to murder 2000 of them?
2. such an act was exactly what the UK, France, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and factions in the USA wanted in order to blow Syria to smithereens;
3. UN inspectors were just down the road;
4. the Syrian Arab Army was easily defeating the rebels with conventional weapons.

But in addition:
1. such an event was predicted on this blog a few weeks before it happened;
2. the rebels needed such an event to provoke a large scale overt military intervention by NATO on their behalf to save their own necks from destruction by the Syrian Arab Army;
3. the rebels had been caught with chemical weapons, had filmed their experiments with chemical weapons, and had also filmed themselves threatening to use chemical weapons to get what they wanted.

And the coup de grace; their sponsor Prince Bandar bin Sultan had personally threatened President Putin of Russia with unleashing hell in Syria if Putin did not dump Assad.

The year 2013 was a year of pressure on Obama. Netanyahu, Erdogan, Cameron, Hollande, and others, all spoke to Obama demanding that he bomb Syria.

But Obama refused.

So they were forced to execute the false flag of 21st August last year, to provoke a response from Obama. And Obama responded...wisely. He did not bomb Syria. Instead Syria relinquished its chemical weapons.

Two days ago a passenger jet was shot down over Ukraine. That same bloodthirsty crowd that shouted that Assad did Ghouta, in the face of the overwhelming evidence and logic that Assad did NOT do Ghouta, are now shouting that Putin shot the plane down personally, that he pulled the trigger and laughed as he did so.

Obama is so far falling their lies, but is as yet not completely under their spell.

Obama must snap out of his trance, want his Nobel Peace Prize back, so he can look his kids in the eyes and say to them, "I saved the world from total destruction, and I did it because I love you."

Remember, the neo-PNACs in the Emergency Committee for Israel virtually declared war on Obama. The wife of one of the founders of PNAC is Victoria Nuland.

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