
Friday, July 18, 2014


There was something not right about Sarah either.

Earlier this year on RT, one presenter, Abby Martin, criticised Putin over Ukraine, leading to a second resigning, but we saw the nature of the Ukrainian 'protestors' in Odessa; they burn people alive, shoot at them as they try to jump from third floor windows to escape the flames, and batter to death those who survive the jump. They also paint Nazi swastikas wherever they go.

Just the type to shoot down a passenger jet when they are getting their arses kicked by pro-Russia separatists.

Yet right on cue, to embarrass Putin again, another RT presenter resigns in protest at the 'truth', when so far the evidence against Ukraine shooting down MH17 is much stronger than that against the separatists.

The NATO media and politicians are definitely hiding the fact that the Ukraine Military has the BUK system that it says downed MH17. But in addition there is this:

And follow Webster Tarpley's twitter; the Spanish ATC spoke to Spanish RT about this tweets that indicate the plane was shot down by Ukraine.

I've always had this feeling that RT was infiltrated, and we are seeing that this year, with two opportunities to embarrass Putin both taken. But there aren't that many left now. Most are bona fide.

But, we shall see what we shall see...

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