
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Yesterday I commented on the symbolic ceramic red poppies surrounding The Tower of London, suggesting that the flood of red blood pouring out of the walls of the tower could be seen as showing that World War One was due to the British monarchy. We associate the red poppy with WW1 and the British Monarchy used to kill their enemies in The Tower of London. Thus, through this ceramic red poppy field the British monarchy symbolically created each red poppy, representing each dead British soldier, through Grand Master King Edward VII engineering the Triple Entente, the British monarchy's Freemasonic network assassinating Arch Duke Ferdinand, and King George V telling Germany that Great Britain would not embroil itself in any subsequent war but then ordering Sir Edward Grey to get us into the war, which Grey did by citing the obscure 1839 Treaty of London concerning the neutrality of Belgium. This is a very brief sketch of the British monarchy engineered World War One. WW1 was called The War To End All Wars. It was supposed to do that by creating a world government, which was proposed by the aforementioned Sir Edward Grey in 1915 to his co-conspirator Colonel House. But despite the endeavours of the British and their agents in the USA, America voted to stay out of The League of Nations. This decision led to WW2.

Anyway, Stop The War has refused to recognise this blatantly obvious, in-your-face evidence that the British monarchy engineered WW1 to establish a world government and continues to push other theories. Their semi-official booklet pushes the it-was-going-to-happen-anyway theory. Today they push yet another theory; nationalism.

Stop The War have posted a comment in, yes you've guessed it, The Guardian, by Jonathan Jones who writes an art blog. Jones writes:
It is deeply disturbing that a hundred years on from 1914, we can only mark this terrible war as a national tragedy. Nationalism – the 19th-century invention of nations as an ideal, as romantic unions of blood and patriotism – caused the great war.

No. Nationalism did NOT cause WW1. The British monarchy did. The other nations were cooperating and developing, and implementing The American System of Economics, which led to Germany and the USA replacing the Brutish Empire, based on brutal slavery, as the dominant economic forces in the world.

Still, Jones' article is good for its anti-war sentiment, but in a way this nationalism of the British people that Jones complains about is good because it shows that we do still care about what our ancestors went through, so if we could be told the real truth about how and why all that unnecessary slaughter was engineered then the British people would be absolutely furious.

But sadly, Stop The War oontinues to protect the true culprits by pushing every theory about WW1, that bore people to death because they've heard them all before, except the truth, which is that WW1 was a conspiracy engineered in Buckingham Palace and Freemasons Hall.

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