
Wednesday, October 29, 2014


In addition to proclaiming that the British monarchy engineered World War One, another way that Stop The War could stop the war is to tell the truth about 9/11.

Lindsey German was on Sky the other day talking about Afghanistan. Here she is.

The war in Afghanistan was about opium. The Taliban had virtually eradicated the opium crop. But within a few years of NATO going to hunt bin Laden the opium harvests were at record levels. Indeed, it was announced just the other day that the opium harvest in Afghanistan had reached a new record high. But in order to get NATO initially into Afghanistan and then keep them there an excuse was needed.

Cue 9/11.

Osama bin Laden denied organising 9/11. But then in December a video of him was 'found'. And it is so comical. Bin Laden suffered from Marfan Syndrome. He was frail, tall and thin. Yet in the video of 13th December 2001 he is rosy-cheeked and fat! In reality, it is around this time that he eventually succumbed to Marfan Syndrome and died. He required frequent kidney dialysis. How could he drag a kidney dialysis behind him around the remote Afghan mountains for years? He didn't. He died around New Year 2002.

So if Bin Laden died around New Year 2002, who was allegedly killed on 1st May 2011 in Abbottobad? Did anyone die? A video was 'found' showing 'bin Laden' watching TV. But that video was taken from behind and from his left hand side. thus not providing a clear look at his face. There is serious doubt the official story about what went on that night. The story changed from hour to hour. Staged photos were released suggesting that the White House watched ObL get popped live from a camera on one of the alleged assassins helmets. And why was ObL's corpse allegedly buried so bloody quickly at sea??!


Yet in her appearance on Sky the other day German played the consumate gatekeeper and stated that:
1. Osama bin Laden attacked the twin towers on 9/11;
2. he had survived years of a manhunt and was assassinated a few years ago.

I read German's bio on wikipedia. She has been closely associated with the pro-abortion movement. You know what abortion is, don't you? Killing babies. They may not have been born but they are still babies. I ask, why is it OK for men and women to shag around and then kill defenceless babies yet not OK for NATO to bomb Afghan babies?

In my eyes it is not OK for either.

The pro-abortion movement is part of the degenerate agenda stated by Dr Richard Day. "Anything goes", he said. Anything Goes.

I proposed a protest outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June earlier this year. I called for that protest to recognise the engineering of World War One by the British monarchy and their Freemasonic networks, and to pay respect to ALL, not just British but, casualties form all nations, who suffered and/or died in that terrible, horrific unnecessary war. On the day just me turned up. But just on the other side of Covent Garden there was a massive parade and celebration of blokes sticking their cocks up other blokes arses.


We have to ask, why is Stop The War:
1. so reluctant to recognise the blatantly obvious engineering of World War One by the British monarchy;
2. gatekeeping for the warmongers by propagating the myth that Osama bin Laden did 9/11 when he never admitted it, and that he survived a manhunt by the world, somehow dragging a kidney dialysis machine behind him as he hid in the remote Afghan mouontains, to be eventually killed in May 2011 when he actually died from Marfan Syndrome in December 2001;
3. allowing itself to be run by a pro-abortionist who is waging war on unborn children and promoting the degenerate agenda.

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